Originally posted by yack:
Why start with a house at $880k in Malvern, why not start in Oakleigh at $350k. Buy an investment property, then work towards the $800k Malvern place. It may take 5-10 yrs but at least you are not renting.
I dont rent luckily
I own there
BUT a lot of my neibours rent there
so they can sent their kids to one
of the…[Read more]
Originally posted by Leswon:
Hi James,
Yes, well that certainly is a question worth asking. But my actual point is that many people seem to be struggling just to pay rent. So, this makes me wonder how they will ever get a loan to own their own property, let alone an IP. I guess I can see that Wraps are going to become very popular.
Les []
Originally posted by Leswon:
These people must be on MASSIVE wages to be able to afford this kind of rent. I’m probably talking more then, about the people on an “average” or should I say “Low” wage. Many people only bring in around $400 pw as a wage!
I live in Malvern Vic
rents for a 3br house start at about $400 pw
and go up to…[Read more]
I normaly prefer
a PM to manage my IP’s
But if you would like to manage them yourself
an option is to get a PM to find you the tenant he would lodge all the forms in for you and do all the run around to find a tenant for you
and I think for a weeks rent it is worth it than
chaising everything yourself
I have read recently that Optus
was about to anounce a cheap package ADSL
in the next few weeks
Maybe with all the other Optus acc you have
maybe they will give you a further discount
not only the St George Bank, but i can see many other lenders increasing their rates to in favour before the nexts rate rise by the RBA in February. Not sayin the RBA will but, im betting on they will.
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