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  • k_sonter replied to the topic Kiyosaki a fraud??? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 2 months ago

    You may be right……He did have a very succesful marketing campaign. His colour scheme for his books is great. He is a very famous author, but his books do lack alot of substance.

    However, I am following his model for wealth an dit has not paid off yet. I have owned a business, completed a degree in finance, and now I am selling commercial real…[Read more]

  • k_sonter replied to the topic +ve CF are There in the forum General Property 21 years, 2 months ago


    I am finding it hard to find +ve CF properties in my area (Gold Coast – Coffs Harbour NSW, Aust). Where did you find that property?

    In my area there is a big boom property is doubling in value over a 6 – 12 month period.

    You say build repore with agents, very good idea? I am an Agent……still cant find +ve CF properties. All…[Read more]

  • k_sonter replied to the topic Place comments about my spreadsheet here in the forum General Property 21 years, 2 months ago

    Hey Fudge,

    My name is Kris, I think your idea of only buying 4 is a good idea, if you want to take less risk. However, less risk less return. Thats all I have to say about your strategy every one to their own.

    I am very interested in your spreadsheet, because I too have made a PIA spreadsheet. We can compare and contrast to make an even better…[Read more]

  • k_sonter replied to the topic Found cashflow +ve in the forum General Property 21 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Sophie,

    My name is Kris from LJ Hooker Commercial- Gold Coast, well done! finding a cashflow positive property in this market is not easy.

    If I was you I would go for a due dilegence period of 21 days. That is longer than the standard of 14 days and it should give you enough time to do all your inspections and calculations to see if you would…[Read more]


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