Sorry to sound cliched, but the common message I seem to be hearing is "location location location" Yes, a property CAN be a good investment as long as you are well prepared for all contingencies (whether they be enough buffer for increased rates, no tenants for a period, working from a single income if your partner loses their job etc etc) as w…[Read more]
After reading this thread about poor psychiatrists shocking experience, I must admit, at least your sense of humour has stayed intact! I'm presuming that since the thread is about a year old, that the dear tenant has long gone the way of the dodo (fingers crossed for psychiatrist)I just wanted to mention my experience, which was utterly…[Read more]
Thank you guys, I now have a plan of attack for this Sundays meeting! and I will let you know what their expession is when I ask to get an "independant evaluation" done before I do anything else Lalibella, yeah, the financial broker went through the numbers with me and actually did the calculations at a 9.5% interest only loan as a worst case…[Read more]
Thank you Bardon, Mel and Catalyst for your very valuable advise!!! I will definately be using it! I plan to have a look at the property developers package (land location & house inclusions) this Sunday 1st of June, go home, DEFINATELY NOT give them $1000, do some investigating on its growth potential (like Bardon said- independant valuation of l…[Read more]
Hi David,Thanks so much for your advise! This is all quite new for me, so any help is really appreciated! After speaking with the financial advisor/home loan broker he was very thorough on what risks there were and what I should be asking of the building company (like you said – build time guarantees, penalties for delays etc.)The property d…[Read more]