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  • JUS-10 replied to the topic How many you got? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 4 months ago

    Hi guys,

    Got my PPOR in June 02. Purchased my first IP (-ve geared) in December 02 (thanks to the equity in my PPOR and the sky-rocketing Sydney market). My IP has increased 20% since last December, and my wife and I (21 and 23 respectively) are looking in to moving on to a few +ve geared properties in the coming months, and moving in to the…[Read more]

  • JUS-10 replied to the topic What to do…Where to go… in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 8 months ago

    OK well thanks for all of that [;)]

    The reason I have said that I may need to consider CF +ve properties is because I don’t want to work for an employer! If I am not employed, and thus not getting a wage each week, I can’t keep funding negatively geared properties can I?

    I understand what you are saying about -ve now, +ve later, and I would like…[Read more]

  • JUS-10 replied to the topic Pros/Cons of business structures in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 8 months ago

    I have gone over a lot of these issues with my accountant, and for my situation at the moment, it is best to continue operating under my name…

    What you said sounds about right, and yes, you will be up for a number of expenses if you establish a company…you could even consider an over-seas company which will cost about twice as much as an…[Read more]

  • JUS-10 replied to the topic What to do…Where to go… in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 8 months ago

    I am in sunny Sydney…

    OK well here is what I want to achieve over the next 8-10 years…

    I currently work in a high paying (for a 22yo) job that I hate. I am basically using this as a means to an end…a tool to help get to where I want to go by providing adequate income in the mean time. Fortunately it is not very demanding, which generally…[Read more]


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