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  • Junkers replied to the topic Negotiating tips in the forum General Property 20 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Sue,
    thanks for your reply. I found it strange myself…the offer was accepted after toing and froing with the price, the contract was sent to my solicitor, and the property was taken off the market (or at least it went off the agents website) I have got the necessary clauses being put into the contract by the solicitor, but he told me once the…[Read more]

  • Junkers replied to the topic The right price to buy in the forum General Property 20 years, 10 months ago

    The fact is, there are loads of ‘investors’ out there that will pay too much for property, thinking an $86K house is a good bargain. You’ve done very well in getting a Residex report, most people don’t. I’m hoping when I go to sell my property that I can sell it to someone who will pay full price for it, rather than a knowledgable investor who…[Read more]

  • Junkers replied to the topic How on earth do you get a loan??!! in the forum General Property 20 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Terry,
    Sorry, I stand corrected. You are right about the ABN for 2 years with Macquarie, I just remember talking to my broker at the time about having the title in a company name, and if we set up a new company for buying and selling, how long did we have to be trading for to be approved for home loans. I was sure she came back to me saying…[Read more]

  • Junkers replied to the topic How on earth do you get a loan??!! in the forum No Subject 20 years, 11 months ago

    The bank for Lo Doc’s that will take a brand new ABN is Macquarie bank. They have a low doc at around 7.08% and you could have your ABN for a day apparently.
    I have just gotten a lo doc loan through Macquarie, haven’t had to show any financials, but we’ve had our ABN over 2 years, so maybe they go on that. LVR is 60% though….
    The thing with…[Read more]


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