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  • junior2 replied to the topic House Boat Good Deal ? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    Hey michael,

    I’m from echuca/moama where there are about 7 house boat leasing companys and a large number of private houseboats. The boats are good but the thingsd that really kill you are mooring fees. Cant tell you how much they are but in the area i’ve heard figures in excess of $100/w

    I’d still love one myself though…….


  • junior2 replied to the topic I got me a new star!! in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Ive had 2 interviews and am nervously waiting for the fone call for my third and final……
    Positvie news on my selling of my first ip…. i got 70k for it. only paid 24 with fhog so that pretty cool.
    keep up the cool jokes brian…


  • junior2 replied to the topic I got me a new star!! in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Unfortunately everyone on this topic has missed the humouros intent. I have a rough idea how the stars go, i bought nothing of the site and was just been flippant. lighten up dudes!

  • junior2 replied to the topic new to the game in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    [It depends on how much you want to spend! if you bought in country areas on the move with a high rental market, you could pay less because the house would be cheaper and you wouldn’t need as much of the folding stuff for a deposit! For the same that you spend on a deposit for an ip in the city you could buy 2 or 3 in some parts of the country and…[Read more]

  • junior2 replied to the topic To regional or not to regional in the forum No Subject 22 years ago


    I agree with westan… I bought a house in ararat (about 2.5 hours west of melb)
    less than 2 years ago and stand to make a 285% approx capital gains. (i think thats accurate). It also brought me in approximately $35 a week +cf. I havent bought in metro city areas due to the cost factor. i can make just a good profit in the conuntry as…[Read more]

  • junior2 replied to the topic need advice on slightly unrelated ventures! in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    I think what everyone else is trying to say is that the man hours needed to make a livible profit out of amway etc etc etc is far more than ip’s. If you can have an ip that makes you money every minute of the day why would you bother with something like amway where the amount of income is dependant on how much time you can dedicate to it. Not…[Read more]

  • junior2 replied to the topic How old are you?? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi guys,

    I’m 20 ( youngest on this topic!!) and bought my first ip at 18, and now have two but selling first one for a handy profit (touch wood). I have to agree with westan…. he does look like he’s 24……but had a hard time of it….(yeah yeah advanced hair!!![:D

  • junior2 replied to the topic need advice on slightly unrelated ventures! in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Thanks all for your help.

    im staying well away from this…

    I may have a job as an app. chef at the rich river golf club, so seeing as i love cookin ( and eating the product!) with luck i’ll have a job that i enjoy! ( until i no longer have to work !)

    thanks again…


  • junior2 replied to the topic need advice on slightly unrelated ventures! in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Thanks guys,

    the first one i was looking at…workfrombed, looked like a big typical yankee look at me scam, slick promo lots of expensive cars with a couple of enhanced models thrown in. The otherone i checked out actually had product, herbal supplements, skin care and other related products. Still not sure how it works, ut this seemed a bit…[Read more]

  • junior2 replied to the topic Cobar in NSW in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    I was researching the mines in cobar. The elura mine has just been bought by consolidated broken hill mining and new procedures in place have doubled the life span of the mine to 9 years. If the other mines have a same life expectancy, my previous guess of the town been dead in 15 years could be grossly over estimated. Aaronnj get those coffins…[Read more]

  • junior2 replied to the topic What’s your profession? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hey em,
    Know excactly how you feel. I’m 20 and fininshed school in 2000. Since then i’ve had a dozen uni applications rejected, have studied jazz, have worked in environmnetal conservation and rehabilitation, abbatoirs ( not a reccomended career move!) 2 apprenticeshiops, have possibliy bugged 1 or more of the people on this forum as a travelling…[Read more]

  • junior2 replied to the topic What’s your profession? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Lance, what type of ministry are you in?
    good luck and god bless with it!

  • junior2 replied to the topic what is a good salary these days? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Obviously not a jo bailey fan aus!
    I eat everynow and then when the dogs let me share there food, although trying to compete with them for food has given my medical bill a substantial rise in costs[}:)

  • junior2 replied to the topic does anyone know anythin about griffiths? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    My last 2 GF’s and current gf had no luck what so ever trying to convert me to the bombers.

    Go the not currently but will be hopefully in the not so distant future mighty blues! ( maybe go blues 2204?[:D


  • junior2 replied to the topic what is a good salary these days? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Congrats Richo on the new position, need a helper?

    I’d be happy living on anything more than my current salary, litereally 0k and year, seeing as i reinvest every cent. As i’m just a youngn (aussie rogue i’m a roughly 6 and as skinny as half a rake!) i’d be more than happy with 25k+ ( the + been way more desirable!). Westan and steve say you…[Read more]

  • junior2 replied to the topic does anyone know anythin about griffiths? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    You’ve shattered mty illussions after living close to broadmeadows, norlane, preston and carlton!

    Go Blues 2004

    Go Melbourne Storm 2003


  • junior2 replied to the topic And baby makes four… in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Congrats to whole family from echuca!
    DO we get to see a photo on the forum?

  • junior2 replied to the topic does anyone know anythin about griffiths? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    are you from calabria or southern italy??

    HuH? Don’t understand, im a little slow today. Northern Vic Southern New South is my ‘haunt’

    major industries
    concrete shoe construction

    Mafia Funded?

    alternative medicine production

    what happends when their hydroponic crops are found by the local authorities?



  • junior2 replied to the topic Cobar in NSW in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    I Can see your point!,

    I’m currently negotiating the sale of my ip, a deal should be done hopefully in the next 2 days. I bought this house originally as a buy and hold,( or possibly to live in) but mainly for rental income. But since i bought it in late 2001 for approx 27 thousand ( loan 30k to allow for improvments and lived in for short while…[Read more]

  • junior2 replied to the topic First home owner grant in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    At the risk of repeating everyone else,

    i lived in my current ip for couple of weeks until i lost my job and didnt have to pay back the fhog. i did check with the relevent authorities but didnt have to worry about it because the rates and bills had all been in my name.

    hope this helps your your friend at this difficult time.


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