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  • julieh replied to the topic NEW MEMBER – ANY ADVICE APPRECIATED in the forum No Subject 20 years, 8 months ago


    How interesting. My post seems to be soliciting responses from people named Peter. I couldn’t help but think “… Peter Piper’s picked a peck of positively geared properties”

    Peter Stevens, thanks very much for yours. I’ve ordered a copy of Aus Prop Invest. to have a look at your article. I greatly appreciate your offer of an exchange of…[Read more]

  • julieh replied to the topic NEW MEMBER – ANY ADVICE APPRECIATED in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 8 months ago


    To Bear1964 – thanks for your very positive feedback. It has been hard but having someone else see my life as inspiring helps me to view things in a different and positive way and be further inspired myself

    Holland is an interesting option. I’ve been to Amsterdam only once. Great place. You’re fortunate to have a dual passport. Won’t the…[Read more]

  • julieh replied to the topic NEW MEMBER – ANY ADVICE APPRECIATED in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 9 months ago

    Dear Mel,

    Thank you so much for the response. Was so hoping to get some feedback and it was so sweet to find that someone had taken the time. I really appreciate it and see that these forums are going to be very useful.

    Realised in retrospect that my message was probably too long and contained too much detail, however it serves as some kind of…[Read more]


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