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  • julesm2006 replied to the topic Gladstone in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    I actually live in Gladstone and speak with many key people in the property industry (I work for a legal firm here). The Gladstone rental market is practically 0 vacancy now and the future is looking like being more so as thousands of workers move to the area. They just cannot physically supply the housing and theres a critical shortage of…[Read more]

  • julesm2006 replied to the topic Gladstone in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Im buying a property in Gladstone at the moment and from what I have read this is a very good choice. I agree with Tony you need to move quickly as you dont want to end up buying at the top of a property wave. The market there is sizzling right now.

  • julesm2006 replied to the topic Gladstone Qld Buyers Agent in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    mike.12 wrote:
    Hi ,interesting to read about Gladstone etc.I wanted to do investment,I am not sure, how about gracemere,is it good to buy land and home package.I found home and land,land 669msq and house 197msq, 4bed,2,2 for $364K.Its not build yet but will after I sing the contract.Its in Lucas street,gracemere.Any thoughts on this please.what…[Read more]

  • julesm2006 replied to the topic Gladstone Qld Buyers Agent in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    AAQ wrote:
    Hi Jules just got back from Gladstone & rockhampton yesterday,Gladstone's going the same way as Mackay with the town splitting in two with the poor locals being squeezed as everything goes up and anyone or any business linked to mining/LNG/Aluminium going ahead.We drove around Gladstone looking at properties/infrastructure -still…[Read more]

  • julesm2006 replied to the topic Gladstone Qld Buyers Agent in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    mike.12 wrote:
    Hi jule,did you speak to the buyers agent Tony.any feed back to that pls.

    Hi Mike yes in fact I did and he is assisting us with a property purchase in Gladstone, Tony  offers a pretty good service. We actually called a couple of buyers agents, and  re pricing, most of them charge you at different stages of the purchase so you ha…[Read more]

  • julesm2006 replied to the topic Gladstone Qld Buyers Agent in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Its a bit daunting sticking your neck out buying in a mining area but I guess Gladstones not a mining town really as its the shipping port, and there seems to be solid fundamentals in place with the LNG contract. I guess we have to start somewhere.

  • julesm2006 replied to the topic Gladstone Qld Buyers Agent in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Hi Steve thanks for your reply I will give them a call.. have you bought in Gladstone at all yourself?

  • julesm2006 replied to the topic Introduce yourself in the forum Forum Frolic 14 years ago

    Hi everyone Julie here, I joined today and  hope to meet lots of intreresting people on the Forum.
