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  • Profile photo of JuilletJuillet
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 1

    Hi golfer23,

    Congrats on your first investment!  That's a great achievement for someone as young as you.  It's great to get along to any seminar you can as knowledge is a fab thing to have.

    I also went to a seminar recently with this group and found it very informative and positive.  What I found interesting though was that they were advising not to invest interstate but rather adelaide. The land tax and stamp duty levies alone not to mention low population growth statistics was enough for me to look at other states that are growing faster than they can build property.  If I were you and I was looking for another investment I would consider other states as the land tax threshold alone in SA is very low at only $110,000. 

    I've been looking around for a while at these companies and I had a consultatation with a rep from Cross Country Realty, they are a national group with 30 years in the industry behind them.  I found them to be very helpful and the one on one consult was really great.  So if you are looking for a company with experience I would recommend getting a free consult with them too.  It's a great idea to keep your options open and get as much information as you can before making a decision.

    Has anyone else had any dealings with this company?

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