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  • Juichi replied to the topic Who’s research do you believe? in the forum General Property 12 years ago

    Thank you Everybody,

    Don and Steevg, I take your point about it is the future that matters, not so much the past. I am very much trying NOT to be a buy, hope and pray investor and was trying to do the right thing and research lots of different areas to try and narrow down the area’s that met my overall strategy. I think I got bogged down in the…[Read more]

  • Juichi replied to the topic Will replacing a Fence/ adding a Shed add value in the forum Value Adding 12 years ago

    Thank You one and all for your comments. The fence is still in good condition really so I have decided to straighten it. Thanks Freckle for the idea of painting/staining it. Hadn't  thought of that one and your right, quick, easy and cheap to make it look a lot better.  The shed is a tough one. I could definitely set it up with driveway access via…[Read more]

  • Juichi replied to the topic SMSF – Renovating a House? in the forum Legal & Accounting 12 years ago

    Thank You one and all, Particular thanks to JacM for providing the ATO link.

    I had a big read through the Tax Ruling and can report the following. It comes down to 2 major concepts

    Repair vs Improvement and,

    a Single Acquirable Asset

    Paragraph 30 gets to the heart of it

    "30. Subparagraph 67A(1)(a)(i) provides that borrowings under an LRBA…[Read more]
