That’s generally the way it’s done on the Internet, you download the program and you can trial it for a curtain amount of days for free. And if your satisfied it works well, you then are given the option to buy a license to use the software for a 12 months or 6 months!
You simply enter in the ‘password’ and it unlockes for a curtain amount of time. But that’s just the security and payment system and distrubution of the software!
Good to see you’re using the templates and not some computer program so that great.
I learnt it to be able to draw it in the ground with a stick.
As far as general guessing figures, that’s Ok. But I would get the accurate Stamp Duty amount because that can change a bit depending on what state your in? If you’re a first homebuyer it can be exempt? And the inspection fee should generally be the same around $350, and the rental management won’t vary all that much but generally at 7% though I have seen Real Estate Agencies just trying to start up a clientele base and they want rental properties to rent for you and will offer 6%. So combining the variations in these figures can really change the outcome, if you’re looking for positive cashflow property investments?
Let’s say you generalized on a Stamp Duty of $1,000 and did not know you could get it for free (because of the exemption) and we divided $1,000 by the amount of weeks in the year 52 = $19.23c. So that’s $19.23 cashflow positive. Where calculating the running costs and purchase costs you could easily be out by $1,000 each way. And that will dramatically change your positive cashflow analysis.
I would say guess, a little at the beginning, but get as accurate as you can once narrowing down to a property you want to buy! I do it right down to the last decimal cent.
And it’s all about trying to get $20-$30-$40 cashflow positive into your bank pocket each week.
“ps.. if i had the $10k, to be honest, i believe i could purchase a property, buy a nice car, get a holiday, increase my taxable deductions and still get my $10k back again with in just after a year. (and thats with $10k alone… (this may sound a little complex, but all you doing is channeling money and moving it around so quick.))”
Can you explain more about how you do that Still_In_School? Very interesting I think.
Mmmmmm there should be a way somehow. Thanks for the interest.
I think I will put a ‘NEW’ next to any new link added recently. So then will generally be about maybee two or three new ones, each week or two perhaps.
“No” Ohh come on RedWing, come on down and play the guitar for me.
Good idea “Bannana’s”, full of potassuim.
Only since I’m educated now that you told me.
I remember a cycle race that had some fenominal amount of bike rides in it, and they bought for them 10,000 Banana’s. They had nothing else but bananas [laughing].
So I guess do what the monkey’s did [biggrin][party] [tongue].
You know they did a survey in America, on couples and that the average couples, only say ten sentences to each other thru each day!
Well you could make up a few sentences.
My first one would be. Ummm on second thoughts shouldn’t be mentioned.
Sixth one: What’s for tea?
Seventh: Where’s my wallet?
Eigth: Where’s my wallet again. And God damn, where’s that other,… thing I was trying to find?
Nine: Can I cook tea. And it’s ussauly a No!
And I mist a few, because I can’t remember it now!
But that was in the past, I’m not in a relationship now.
This would be great I would be interested in using it.
A little accountant online would be good.
I thought of a thing a few months ago, where I wished I could enter in the senario of any finacials, the same a visiting a credited (very good accountant!). And that person tells you all the best savings and structures that you should use.
But very much to complicated for me and also I’m not an accountant so don’t know a lot about it. Same as a lot of ideas I conceive for online. But there just to complicated to bring to fuition.
About a CGT Calculator: Long as it’s simple and easy to use. And able to educate and learn things in simple language as your going along. Would be better for more masses using it.
Well that’s amazing. Because it costs 5 dollars a kilometer to have a truck frieght in a grader, that would probably bull doze all that and into a bouble B dump truck.
A house that’s burnt down would be easier.
Hey , i rekon i could organize all that anywhere in Australia and do it for 30k, but that’s only a guess it may be lot’s cheaper. So who’s making lot’s of money?
A burn house you don’t evan need to be carefull with or slowly dismanlte things. I think a house would fit into one dump truck is its all burn down and burnt down agian into a pile of rubble on the ground at the site and if it lots of brick, i think probably fit into a double dump as well anyway.
I would approach them (The selvage yard or after they have contacted you) and you say that you have a biulding on the property that you will give them the right to the property and that they can take it all for free!
I was quiet surprized when i was with this guy, when we were just allowed onto a property to completely destroy and demolish every thing that was on there. And use it to sell it as own own benifit. So it is a Win-Win situation when every comes out in front. And you get it much cheaper then you would have otherwise. There scavengers basically, but that’s there occupation and that what they do.
It deppend is you’ve got enough remaining stucture there for then to make money out of. Which genereally only them can do it, because they have the yard set up to sell your things!!
It wasn’t in Perth; it was a selvage yard in Mt Gambier is S.A. The yard is not open anymore it got closed down when he had had enough. After three years of doing it approximately.
I believe the selvage yard should have the appropriate infinite liability and for there own business, because that’s what they do!
I guess you could ask them if there covered in everything that they do i.e. and sign a contract that states these things in it.
I def don’t think you should be paying to have it done. Since they got something there that they want. So therefore they are quiet happy that you will allow them onto your property to demolish the remaining property structures and fabrications. Etc so you would tell them that there is nothing left to be left there, on the property when they leave. So basically they have to clean every thing up, right down to the ground remaining. Or whatever you want to state in the contract, sign.
This can be easily a contract written by your self with just what needs to be done in it!
A contract does not need to be complicated; it can be just you writing a simple worded set of notes and instructions on what is involved to do.
When I said that about the Ad, I thought that was a good idea. Because then you can get a few calls from different demo companies, probably in your area and discuss with them what they do and what they don’t do. They will probably inform you about what they go about doing and how they do it.
That remind me of when I got Home one day and my father had a For Sale sign out the front.
I’m a bit protective to my origins, I went out the front and tore the sign down. The property did not go ahead with a sale.
I don’t know why but i think dad new that, I told him it was my ‘Home’ and he would have new i tore the sign down out the front and ripped up all the pickes and everything.
I would not pay a cent to demolish a house. After having worked with a selvage yard ( was a good mate actaully) he made plenty just selling it after demolition (even brick).
Well just about anything really he would demolish!
If a yard is charging you to demolish he is putting it over you, and seen you coming. he’s just cashing in on the way in and cashing in on the way out!
No way get a free one . Put an add in the paper house to be demolished, looking for people to selvage for free.
Still_In_School; That’s what I like to see, someone taking full control and actually providing some links, [good initiative]. You know a lot about finance and hang in other threads. That will be the benefit of a few others contributing threads.
Estate Agents Act 1980 Extract for Victoria – Incorporating amendments up to 1 February 2004.
Reading and refering to bits relevent to the course questions, 145 pages. It’s difficut to read and understand because it gets complicated in the law.
But there is overview notes that come with the course material, in layman’s terms! So thats a bit easier to refer to and answer the questions in the assignment(s).
Apart from that, a book on culture on the Murray and a bit about Taurism.
I don’t get enough time to read. I wish I could download a book and plug it in and listen to it for two hours before going to bed. Or headset while working would be good as well!
<<1) “Percentage you estimate vacant per year” – The percentage shows occupancy rather than vacany, ie 3 weeks vacany/year equals 94.23% occupancy. should that line read “percentage occupancy per year”.>>
I’d rather change the occupancy then the vacancy figures in all the mathmatics. Thanks for the literacy. I made the changes. See if that reads right now! I’ve taken on your suggestions!!! You might need to refresh the browser.
I’ve been told to use “You’re” but I changed it in both. It’s changed now.
<<Damn, there’s no smiley face to insert for me being a “smart-a…!>>
Be a smart-a. That’s alright!
There’s a header top section banner that has “Real Eastate where your house and land counts” sloggon , I made that 7 months ago but i can’t change it because I can’t edit it, because it’s made in Photoshop! I have left the editable PSD but i have to find it somewhere in the site I’ve uploaded it too [happy3].