I’d add to the list Jaffa…but how? go searching?
Exactly. Though I find it difficult to used the PI search function.
The main idea was to get many people contributing. When I went about reading the forum, i came accross a lot of really good well discussed threads. That seemed a shame that they would go submurged to the bottom of the ocean and…[Read more]
I can’t coment on the city nor the country really with ‘serviced appartments’ I know of one guy who is about to biuld two of them out the back of his house, because he has a great view of a peaceful gum tree valley and creek area.
He expects to pay $70,000 for both apartments ( he has a lot of contacts and is getting things done cheaply) and put…[Read more]
Positive cashflow property is probably the easier of the two to grasp, and really not a hell of a lot needed to be learnt to get started.
But can add to amount you learn as you go. And when you get more experience can maybee branch out into -cashflow as well. But I think negative cashflow is a little bit more risky then positive cashflow, where…[Read more]
I new Nano technology was going to be big, but i didn’t know it was going into computers as well.
Can’t wait until the day when I can use a LapTop and get online anywhere while travelling, I want to be able to connect up a projector screen in a van and web design while travelling and outside peoples businesses parked.
I suggest you send it over to me to get it sorted out for a couple of weeks [blink], I mean months .
What I normaly do is download http://www.grisoft.com FREE antivirus software and set it to run auto every day. But since you got Norton that’s probably alright ( lot of people using that).
Thanks for your advice guys, there’s some interesting discussions.
Whoever biult the road thru there did not a very good job, it’s got elbow turns all the way along it. Poor truckies! But that explains why there’s so many truckies going thru there, from Melb or Syd. A new highway to get truckies from one side of town to the other would be an…[Read more]
Sorry mod! I didn’t know questions about the wraps should be in the ‘Getting Creative’ forum [blush2].
Anyway , about the question. I’m not questioning weather the wrap kit is succesful. But more about hearing from people who have used it and or are actively using the system or have learnt the kit and are ready to use…[Read more]
“Take a look at Buckminster Fuller’s inflatable Geodesic dome houses.”
Sounds interesting, whats that going ta bring? A Sydney Opera House feel to the rural areas [biggrin]?? Good if it does, but seriously that’s the type or line of thinking, we want on this duscussion (lot’s of ideas on ‘how to’s’ so can pick what’s best way)…[Read more]
Hi, I’m Jaffasoft, so i might be able to explain something [biggrin].
Firstly i would suggest you buy BuyerBeware, that will explain everything you want to know about doing the calculations! I was a dumbo and that’s what I used first.
But the very last input text field in the fifth step; is the current interest rate the banks offer. That…[Read more]
The winds of change are upon us. I couldn’t agree more.
Thanks for the newsletter, it’s always good to have a read of your newsletter.
Steve, you have purchased some 35 properties in New Zealand in the last 12 months. Do you have any intentions of pursuing any more properties in the future, there…or do you feel that you will slacken off a…[Read more]