JRW replied to the topic What to ask agent/ how to work numbers in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
I don’t have much there yet. Have been talking to mortgage brokers and agents. Looking mostly at BC at this stage. Will give it a go and see what happens. Thanks.
JRW replied to the topic What to ask agent/ how to work numbers in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Thanks Robert. I will be borrowing most of the money from Canada (65%) but I understand that currency exchange rates will add another unknown into the equation. Still something I will pursue unless I get some good reason not too.
John.JRW replied to the topic What to ask agent/ how to work numbers in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Thnaks Kiwi-fulla. Sorry reply has is now old, just back onto the computer after net crashed. I still think i’ll try Canada as deals seem so good there, and i need to try somehting. Will let all know of progress.
JRW replied to the topic Help with figures! in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Thanks crj, I’ll go look for that post now.
JRW replied to the topic Help with figures! in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Thanks again with all the help from everyone. I realise that formulars such as the 11 secound rule are guides rather then the one thing I need to give the green light on a property. With the expenses such as land tax, rates, etc, how do I find those out. It that something the real estate agent can give me a guide on or do I have to go somewhere…[Read more]
JRW replied to the topic Help with figures! in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Had another look at what was explained to me and I finally get it. The price should be equal to or below the number given by using the 11 secound rule. ie $100,000 (price) is less then $161,500. I get it.
A bit slow on the uptake sometimes.
Thanks again to everyone.
JRW replied to the topic Help with figures! in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
If they are good via the 11 secound rule, how am I doing the maths worng? Is the asking price suppost to be ABOVE rent /2 x1000? Please show me the formula again. Very confused but thankful
JRW replied to the topic Help with figures! in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
Hi again,
Thank you all for your help/ I have tried the 11 secound rule as told to me, that is ‘Weekly rent/2 (ie halve it) X 1000.
If the cost of sale is equal to or below the figure offered for sale it is a good starting point. I have been told the following figures are good according to the 11 secound rule:1) Price $100,000 rent is…[Read more]
JRW replied to the topic Help with figures! in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Thanks for your help guys (I use ‘guys’for both sexes, don’t want anyone getting offended). What method did you guys figure out the numbers for yourself? I have heard about the 11 second rule but don’t know what it is.
Also, how would you go about finding out if the rental market is good, besides asking the real estate agents? Will the agents…[Read more]