Joyce67 replied to the topic Joint names on Security but loan in one name in the forum Finance 16 years ago
Thanks for your advice Hany.That's a real shame. I didn't want my husband on our refinance application because he is not PAYG worker. He is considered self-employed and therefore requires tax returns which we haven't finalised yet. We wanna take advantage of the 1.5% special from St George and could have refinanced if I'm the sole borrower on…[Read more]
Joyce67 replied to the topic To Trust or not to Trust: that is the question. in the forum Legal & Accounting 16 years ago
daniellee wrote:
Hi, EveryoneThis is the cost pricing I have been given by the accountant.Tax returns for individuals: From $150 + $100 per investment property per yrTax return for Trust / company: From $1000 upwards per yrSet up of Family trust without / with Corporate Trustee: $2200 / $1000Yr 1 with a trust, the running cost for us will be…[Read more]