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  • JoshC replied to the topic Another Newbie in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 6 months ago

    More great input, thanks guys, I appreciate your opinions.

    Before joining this forum my initial plan was purely to have a few -ve geared properties to get something back for the tax that I currently pay. Like with anything though, as you receive more information you question your plans and end up starting all over again. Not that this is a bad…[Read more]

  • JoshC replied to the topic Another Newbie in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 6 months ago

    Again thank you all for your input and recommendations. I value education and training highly, it is a huge part of my job and I enjoy becoming more knowledgeable.

    In regard to some books being “out of date”, Im glad you have mentioned that as I was questioning myself if some were still relevant. I guess they all probably still hold information…[Read more]

  • JoshC replied to the topic Another Newbie in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 6 months ago

    Thanks Guys. When it comes to books I litterally judge them by their covers, and to be honest I have seen 0-130 in 3.5yrs on the bookshelf and thought "pfft whatever, just anouther scam or pyramid scheme" haha, sorry Steve, just seems too good to be true and you know what they say…….In regards to talking to my accountant, I have mentioned a…[Read more]

  • JoshC replied to the topic Another Newbie in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 6 months ago

    Scratch wrote:

    I am guessing you have read Steve McKnight’s book if you are on this site. If not get it and read it, its like a bible. Another book I enjoyed reading was ” How to achieve wealth for life, through property investing “, Tony Melvin and Ed Chan – these guys also have a book on Trust structures, ” How to legally reduce your…[Read more]


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