Jonesi274 replied to the topic New starters need advise from experienced investors. in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 10 months ago
G'day Maxi80, I'm in the same boat and saving away to buy a house next year to renovate with my father. I believe saving is all about planning and discipline as well as minimising everything that costs you money right now. I also like to set myself small bite sized goals and write them all down such as $1,000 saved by Aust…[Read more]
Jonesi274 replied to the topic 21st April – Canberra Property Network Meeting in the forum Heads Up! 13 years, 11 months ago
Afternoon Yvonne, Just interested to know if these meetings are still occurring? I'm currently living in Canberra and looking to save save save in 2011 and buy reno sell x 3 in 2012 with the help of my newly retired father. Been trawling through websites and books on investing and personal finance for a few years no…[Read more]
Jonesi274 replied to the topic Positive Cash Flow Properties in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 12 months ago
I understand your point on paying tax on the interest earned on term deposits but you pay tax (CGT) on your property once you liquidate as well plus you pay land tax each year, rates, insurance, electricity, water, maintenance, property agent and other holding costs and there is no guarantee a more "modern" expensive home isn't going to have a…[Read more]
Jonesi274 replied to the topic Help for newbie – 1 property or 2? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Doing both is probably the only way you'll know for sure. HahahaGood luck and please keep us posted. McKnight's analysis paralysis section in the investing guide I quite like for this scenario. As a current active spectator it is always better in the arena…
Jonesi274 replied to the topic Positive Cash Flow Properties in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
You'll have to excuse me for butting in as a newbie and still saving for my first property but wasn't the whole point of McKnight's book regarding negative gearing that you will never achieve a good income from it because you have to make a loss (large) to gain a tax advantage (small) so therefore there is an absolute limit on the amount of p…[Read more]
Jonesi274 replied to the topic robert kiyosaki in the forum I recently gave my brother 14 years ago
I recently gave my brother "rich dad poor dad" for Christmas and it has done the rounds of the family, I've also read 2 others of Kiyosaki's books and it is the shift in mindset and simplification of complex issues that make them so successful, try reading warren buffet's books and you'll see the point of difference in style and content. I w…[Read more]