Jon Chown replied to the topic Residex in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 3 months ago
I would love to hear what others think about the Residex reports and their value – if any. I answered a post on this site recently where a Buyer was relying on the report to submit offers on property and couldn't work out why he ketpt on missing out. I read his report and they appear exceptionally conservative.On the shareing of the report sit…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic Why is housing not affordable! in the forum Opinionated! 17 years, 3 months ago
We were discussing this very subject at a Business Group function that I attended the other day and some of the reasons were certainly worth mentioning here.When I began selling property in 1977 in an outer suburb of Brisbane (Capalaba) the average spec house was selling for around $30,000, it came as a house only, no driveway no gardens and no…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic WHERE TO NOW? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 3 months ago
There is no correct answer to your question; however there are several options that you should be aware of in order for you to make the correct decision for your future plan. Here are a few of my thoughts on reading this post. I have just been approved a loan for about 300k for an investment property (including costs as I have no deposit) It do…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic Query Re Legal Advice in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years, 3 months ago
wezwaz,I believe it will depend on which State you live in as Contracts are prepared and executed differently by State so I can't speak for all, however in Queensland you can use a Lawyer or a Conveyancer and I would suggest that you phone and obtain a few quotes for the service that they provide. Understand that the Queensland Contracts have b…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic inner city Brisbane apartments in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 3 months ago
Perryjudd,I can do better than that, if you would like to send me an email, I will reply with a full Property Analysis (6page report) which should answer all of your questions.Jon
Jon Chown replied to the topic Query Re Legal Advice in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years, 3 months ago
The Problem with advice, is that you have to be carefull where it comes from and what barrow that person is pushing. We all have pre conceived ideas and most of us seem to be single minded. From a legal perspective, obviously there are good ones and bad ones. I have seen Lawyers kill deals by being pedantic and I have seen other Lawye…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic inner city Brisbane apartments in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 3 months ago
Hi perryjud,I believe that your calculations are a little light on. By my calculations (and working on your income being $50K) the annual shortfall on this purchase would be $14,686 pre tax. or if you were to apply for a variation certificate you can reduce this to around $8000 a year.As for projected capital growth rates, thats just what th…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic inner city Brisbane apartments in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 3 months ago
Hleung, Buy land in strategic locations, build brand new homes and hold on indefinitely. After each project, I've gained instant equity of approximately 20%, This strategy looks good in principal and I am not knocking it in any way at all, however I believe that the 20% instant growth that you are receiving is based on the difference between y…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic inner city Brisbane apartments in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 3 months ago
Hleung stated,I'm sure I would have done a lot better if I invested in land because it is the land that goes up in value, not the building which goes down in value. I really don’t know who started this story, but I believe that it’s time someone gave the other side to the equation. There are two main approaches that people can take when deciding…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic Subdivision help in the forum General Property 17 years, 3 months ago
Matthias, At $170,000 the land must be a fair way out of Brisbane – like Beaudesert?Anyway to answer your question as to cost to produce. You can work on around $50K per block.My greatest fear is the 2 years that it will take for the Council to make any decision and the holding costs involved while they attempt to make that decision.Jon
Jon Chown replied to the topic Units verse houses in the forum I fully understand that my 17 years, 4 months ago
I fully understand that my comments will most likely be considered as biased, however it is my opinion that the capital growth difference between houses and units within a close proximity to the CBD of Brisbane (5k) is almost the same. The shift in demographics and with affordability as it is combined with Council requirements regarding post 1…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic Has anyone been to workshop from “Positive Property Strategies”? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 5 months ago
I haven’t been personally to a property development workshop by Positive Property Strategies but I have heard that it is highly informative and very good value. I believe it is run by Bob Andersen who is a well respected developer in Brisbane who has authored a book on property development. His web site can be seen in his signature in the post a…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic Can we really earn $$ from buying off the plan ??? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 5 months ago
Bob Andersen said, What you're proposing is speculation, not investment.This is quite correct, in my opinion, there is a huge difference between speculation and Investment. I notice that many people on this site get the two mixed up. Buying off the plan with the intent to sell either prior to or just after settlement requires a lot of resear…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic any one know how to work out sqm on a land???? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 5 months ago
Actually 381.73m2. To calculate multiply 25.75 X 12.61 = 324.70 Then multiply 4.43 (17.04 – 12.61) x 25.75 and halve it for half the rectangle = 57.03 and add the two amounts 324.7 + 57.03 = 381.73m2Jon
Jon Chown replied to the topic sick of greedy plumbers & electricians in the forum blogs wrote:There certainly 17 years, 5 months ago
blogs wrote:There certainly does seem to be a re occuring theme of the tradies being very 'sensitive' and overly defenssive. On one side there is an argument about sub standard work being provided and people being ripped off, and yet the tradies who all reply seem to ignore this totally and reply in defense of their self worth and right to make a…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic Multiple offers on a property. Possible? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 5 months ago
Stephen, While I can'r be posative about WA law, in Queensland it would be illegal to advise a customer that there was another offer if there was not and heafty penalties would apply. It seem interesting that you bring this subject up as I have just finished reading an article on this subject in the REIQ Journal. Best practice dictates that…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic Can I sub divide common property in a unit complex of 6 so that we have private individual back yards….??? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 5 months ago
KA010,1) Can you suggest a proffessional body that would be able to assist in the process of putting together a formal proposal to the owners i.e should I approach a solicitior, surveyor or would you suggest just corresponding directly with the Body corporate (is it something the body corporate are not going to want to proceed with) or a…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic Cost of Selling in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 5 months ago
Hi Marc, and thanks for the kind words of encouragement. I do honestly try to help but sometimes the frustartion does show through. I promise that I will try to be a good boy.In relation to your comments:-On the subject of advertising, I can say from experience (expensive and el cheapo) that a photo in the agent's window, an ad on the int…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic Real Estate Brokers in the forum General Property 17 years, 5 months ago
Hi Kensington,I would suggest that you talk to your friends in PNG and see if any of them can point you in the direction of an Agent who they may have had a good experience with and contact them and ask if they are prepared to help you find a place.The real problem that most Investor Purchasers have is taking away the emotional side of the…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic How much to build a townhouse? in the forum Richard,
I can see that we 17 years, 5 months agoRichard,
I can see that we are looking at the equation from different sides of the fence, You as a developer quoting your cost to build and Me as an investor having to pay a builder to build. So from my side of the fence the builders marginis a real expense unless I can convince you to build for me at cost. (which would sure give me a be…[Read more]
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