Jon Chown replied to the topic Developer panics as FEAR sets in in the forum General Property 16 years, 11 months ago
Wealth4life, I think that I answered some of your questions here – I believe that while it is important to consider these issues we must also be carefull that we don't create undue fear and in so doing help creat a self fulfilling prophecy. I was around…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic Building with HEBEL panels?? in the forum General Property 16 years, 11 months ago
Not sure which state you live in but there is a substantial two story house being built with Hebel block in Ryan Street West End Qld. I have seen several projects using both sheet and block form and have been impressed with the finish achieved. Tammys comment od denting I suspect would depend upon what type of render was used as a fin…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic Whats best way to put a property on hold while checking my finance ? in the forum General Property 16 years, 11 months ago
Maximum, A word of advice if you wish to be a serious investor. Go out and find a Broker, someone who you can relate to, tell them your dreams and get them to gather all of the information that they will require in order to calculate your borrowing capacity. What ever the figure is, is what it is, and you must then look for property that…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic Is property investing really all its cracked up to be? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 11 months ago
While I have to agree that property price increases that we are seeing at present are not sustainable and their will have to be a correction some time in the future, it won’t be the first time and it won’t be the end of the world. We saw it in the mid 80’s with the recession we had to have where property values dropped by almost 30% and inter…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic Making A Written Offer! in the forum General Property 16 years, 11 months ago
Wewaz, I wrote a post on this topic on this thread here which should cover the questions. the issue of what the offer is written on, I would reccomend that you use the correct contract forms that are available on line to anyone. These forms are not weighted to…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic Agent Secretly changed contract!!!! in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 11 months ago
James, both Linar and Trakka have given excellent replies. You really need to make a decision as to if you want the property or not.. Just to clarify Trakkas comments on 'Contract Date', The contract is dated by the Agent only after all parties (that is Seller and Buyer) have agreed to all negotiable issues and conditions and have initia…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic Is property investing really all its cracked up to be? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 11 months ago
Wow! Foundations calculations graphs and information just about had me heading for the Gateway Bridge to take a jump.Michael Yardneys statement:- And despite all the arguments to the contrary of why it can' happen and how simplistic my argument is, a recent study by Massy University in NZ showed that since 1920 Australian property has ret…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic Is property investing really all its cracked up to be? in the forum Hi BRC, I find your 16 years, 11 months ago
Hi BRC, I find your comments – There clearly isn't enough properties in places where people want to live. This is because the state governments have a monopoly on handing out licesnses to build a residence. Monopoly = shortage to keep prices up. Everyone is in on the game, including the developers who own large tracts of lands and drip f…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic Written offer template in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 11 months ago
Hi Rob, I don't profess to know all of the methods of Offer, however I am aware that in NSW the contracts are drawn up by the Solicitors, and Buyers stand the risk of being gerzumped while the Solicitor gets around to preparing the contracts for signing. From my understanding in property transactions a verbal offer and acceptance are not bin…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic Written offer template in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 11 months ago
Rob, what State do you live in? This will have a bearing on the answer given as not all states operate under the same guidelines when offering on a property.Jon
Jon Chown replied to the topic Refurbished Apartments? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 11 months ago
A very good reply Marc, and I would agree with the obtaining of a report of similar sold properties in the area. Often serviced apartments or Hotel rooms look good at face value and more ofen than not the rent return is somewhere between 8 and 10 percent. This is perhaps ok if you just want to park some cash somewhere at retirement and liv…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic Making A Written Offer! in the forum General Property 16 years, 11 months ago
Hi Wewaz,Life is a two way street, unfortunately most people can only see the way they are travelling and are only interested in their own benefits. Your question – Let's say a verbal offer is made, accepted by the vendor and there is no follow through to sign the contract. What is the loss to the vendor.? is a good one, and as you rightly sa…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic Agent Secretly changed contract!!!! in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 11 months ago
Hi James,As the contract was altered after you signed it, it is no longer binding, only you can make it so by initialling the alteration and accepting the condition. You must decide if you still want the property and if you do, I would advise that you perhaps renegotiate the date for the Building Inspection to your and the Sellers s…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic Making A Written Offer! in the forum General Property 16 years, 11 months ago
Some agents will in fact take verbal offers on property, however good agents have more than likely learnt that it is not in the best interest of the Seller to do so. Most agents have learnt along the way that verbal offers that are accepted are more often than not never converted to contracts. The reason is that the Buyer generally thinks that…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic Agent Secretly changed contract!!!! in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 11 months ago
James007. There are two issues relating to your post. The first is one of legality on the Agent adding a date post signing by you as the Buyer. One question that I would ask is. Was it done when the Seller signed the contract? If so it is a counter offer and will require an initial of acceptance by yourself to ratify the alterati…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic Developers running drainage through our property in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Hi Alwayzlearning,This procedure is common practice and while Council can inforce the issue they are too gutless to do so. You will end up with a drainage easement on your boundary not unlike any other drainage easement. Provided that you take reasonable steps to ensure that the Developer does the work in a professional manner and leaves the…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic rent growth to slow? in the forum General Property 17 years ago
Hi Perry,There is an explanation for your statement:-The agents regularly say that this place or that place is underrented and therefore upon settlment you could increase it by a substantial amount to make it more affordable,I see this occurence on a regular basis when selling Tenanted properties and it is one of those aspects that as a buyer you…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic How to Stop Developers in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years ago
s,r,prop,Well said and explained. So many people seem to think that the councils and the developers are conspiring against them, when in reality it is so difficutl to get a DA that works to everyones satisfaction.Jon
Jon Chown replied to the topic How to Stop Developers in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years ago
JD, JD, Where do I start. I did advise that I didn’t have all of the answers to your questions, in particular the one that you seem determined to find an answer to. How do we stop progress?The history lesson was my pleasure, here is another one for you but this is on economics. The size of the town has nothing to do with my earlier comments, the p…[Read more]
Jon Chown replied to the topic How to Stop Developers in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years ago
Hi JD,Let me start by saying that I don’t have the answers to your questions and while I do have a degree of empathy for your situation, I believe that it is poor form to blame the Developers for the problem.The beginning of the problem arose when our forefathers and Town planners began to plan our Cities with next to no foresight for the future g…[Read more]
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