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  • Johnwilly1000 replied to the topic Is property investing going to poo in the forum Fword I think times have 13 years, 8 months ago

    Fword I think times have changed mate. House r way more then they use to b because of the massive jump. I no ppl now that trying to buy crap houses as cheap as possible and as close as possible and still a lot of money unafffordable. Also factor in that ppl want to also live near family friends and I think that fair enough window seat. I now no…[Read more]

  • Johnwilly1000 replied to the topic Is property investing going to poo in the forum General Property 13 years, 8 months ago

    Very interesting mrmcgoosy. I’m keen to know about how did u decide to sell, was it too much for u to handle. Or did u think to hell with it I’m gona have less debt and pay off one thing more off before I get back into it?

    I’m in the middle of it all at the moment. I do have enough to service both ip and ppor but wudnt it b nice to have heaps…[Read more]

  • Johnwilly1000 replied to the topic Is property investing going to poo in the forum General Property 13 years, 8 months ago

    If I sell up I’m not going into anything else until I pay off my ppor, that’s for sure. Lol

  • Johnwilly1000 replied to the topic Is property investing going to poo in the forum General Property 13 years, 8 months ago

    Part of me feels that everyone is talking about this cycle thing. But now after hearing it few times I wa thinking and the only time it ever boommed soo much was during those years mentioned I think that is a one off. Itt never happened before that. So a lot of ppl base it on those years. before those years I’m sure investing was way different in…[Read more]

  • Johnwilly1000 replied to the topic sick of greedy plumbers & electricians in the forum General Property 13 years, 9 months ago

    Hi all I think ur kidding urself if u think electrician shud b done in 1 year. They do there time soo everyone can b more safe. Funny how ppl in general always assume something is easy to do when they rnt in that field. Charge out rate is for fuel and there travel time. Hrly rate is standard. Also if they find something wrong with ur system that’s…[Read more]

  • Johnwilly1000 replied to the topic up and coming brisbane suburb in the forum Heyall
    I been investing in
    13 years, 9 months ago

    I been investing in this area for last 2 years and I’m banking on this 2nd city hub. Council have sent me there plans and hope part of it will start happening by end year. This will enable more developers in and build more buildings infrastructure etc. They are allowing in some places up to 8 stories high and some 6 etc. myer is said to be…[Read more]

  • Johnwilly1000 replied to the topic Council resuming my property in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    I have discussed with them and they say its a bike/walkway path. And also said that it will only be put into plan when anyone of us decide to develope that they wud include it into the plan, which does that mean we lose some land to a silly pathway if I or someone else decide to develope. Anyway ithey also say sometime 2011 they will get all who…[Read more]

  • Johnwilly1000 replied to the topic Council resuming my property in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    I looked into it further and I think its a pathway for pedestrian/bike. U wud think that’s a lot of money to resume houses just for that.
    Shud I even look at trying to sell before all this occurs, as I don’t wana b ripped off by government.

  • I suggest if u can afford it then go halves. Nothing worse then having a disgruntled neighbour. Ur neighbours to me are the best allies to have. Cheers

  • Johnwilly1000 replied to the topic Mount gravatt corridor in the forum General Property 14 years, 1 month ago

    Sounds good then since mine is one of the ‘rezoned’ areas that is ending up with increased density allowable. Hopefully in 5 years its wirth enough so can pay off my existing house. Sweeeeet

  • Johnwilly1000 replied to the topic question about getting started in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 3 months ago

    Wat is passive and active etc etc can some explain, does it meanbuy and sell quick etc

  • Johnwilly1000 replied to the topic bad investment – is it time to run? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 3 months ago

    What the heck I suggest keep y wud one sell when its neutra geared leave it and ignore it even exists. It not costing u a cent so y sell. Invest ina nother. I can’t wait till mine ip go neutral its gona b a while but if it ever gets there I aint selling

  • Johnwilly1000 replied to the topic Where to invest 2nd IP in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 3 months ago

    My goal is to own my house one day, but like most people maybe, I spend a lot and dsometime question weather I can also make use of money as well as spend. When I bought my 1st invest it is good cause I know I’m doing something good with money while at same time spend and enjoy. Now I even more I’m stcuk between weather to invest 2nd ip and…[Read more]

  • Johnwilly1000 replied to the topic Where to invest 2nd IP in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 3 months ago

    This Is all good and all but I was also thuinking I haven’t paid any xtra off my ppor as I been paying off min principle and interest only. On one hand if I put heaps into my house for bit then invest, however I feel its def a buyers market where I am so invest in subdivide will then make propert neutral/pos. My cashflow in nex pay will be quite…[Read more]

  • Johnwilly1000 replied to the topic Where to invest 2nd IP in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 3 months ago

    Y did mod delete advert. Wats wrong with that? I don’t get it

  • Johnwilly1000 replied to the topic Where to invest 2nd IP in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 3 months ago

    Thanks all,
    Yeah I kinda realise pos geared property is very rare but neutral is fine by me. Also what is a DLUG. If its house by itself I may b interested but if some sort complex where u pay body corp or split house then I wudnt want it. I guess yeah I can go the path of the subdivide the land with already house on it. Gota start looking kool.

  • Johnwilly1000 replied to the topic buying off an agent how to takle it in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 4 months ago

    Peoples thankyou for all ur help. I have come up with a conclusion and I want to live my life I realise lofe is too short and if I keep investing I won’t live my life to thhe fullest as I want boat 4 wheel drive caravan. So I’m stopping my investing life and enjoy evem though I only have one investment ewhich I feel good enough. Once again…[Read more]

  • Johnwilly1000 replied to the topic Council plan strategy in the forum General Property 14 years, 4 months ago

    Oh ok thanks for that people
    I wud love to buy the house nex door too now but he hasn’t called me so prob he don’t want to.

  • Johnwilly1000 replied to the topic Baby and investing in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 6 months ago

    Hi we can’t try and live off one wage at the moment. But have worked out with all tax returns and savings will have about 30k for when single income. Also just heard she can get full wage for 4 and half months from government new incentive and u also get the 5k grant. Not 100% on this yet but will look into it more. But yeah we starting to save as…[Read more]

  • Johnwilly1000 replied to the topic Baby and investing in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 6 months ago

    My ppor is 230k and investment is 410k. I’m paying interest only on invest and principle and interest on ppor.

    I think my ppor is worth 330k so equity=100k. And invest worth 470k so equity 60k.

    Its kinda scary all this debt and furthering the debt.

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