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  • Jpcashflow wrote:
    Hi all im preparing for a big year next year and have been doing research looking at alot of properties. i have been doing some numbers and the properties all look like cash eaters rather then postive providera betime you pay stamp duty you are left out of pocket is this a common thing at the moment rather then borrowing 250k…[Read more]

  • JohnRich replied to the topic Are vacancy rates all that in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 12 months ago

    Brischris wrote:
    hi guys. we are interested in a property west of toowoomba. the vacancy rates are low about 1% , good growth etc. but checking on the web some house s in our range seem to be available for rent for a long time – over 2 months. are there other factors we need to take into account when looking at small towns. also when can i find…[Read more]


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