Thanks “Don & Liz” for your intelligent, sensitive and inspiring response to my initial posting.
Also thanks again to “Monopoly” for her response. I would however be concerned if you really were a psychologist [confused2]. I also believe that you’ve managed to wander too far away from the essence of my original topic. [blush2]
Thanks everyone for your kind advice even “Monopoly” who noticed that I posted my same thread 3 times (before the other 3 were deleted out of the forum). Also, “Monopoly” sounds like a very knowledgeable person when he/she says – “Why worry about a market that you obviously don’t understand fully” and that I (meaning myself) “won’t be able to run” but “should be able to handle a very very fast walk, maybe even work up a sweat!!!” in relation to my arthritis.
It’s obvious that “Monopoly” doesn’t “understand fully” my situation because I’ve got arthritis in the hands – not the legs. I could also probably give you a very good “run for your money”.
I’ve been to one of Custodian Wealthbuilders roadshows and they’re “developers”(to use the words of a pushy Custodian consultant who I had a meeting with later that same week) who try and push “negatively”geared property investments.
Thanks “sizzling_duck” and “brahms” for your replies.
Re: “brahms”
I probably should have given more info in my original posting but you’re quite right – “what’s nice?” to me may not be necessarily “nice” to you. [smiling]
I should have mentioned the reasons why I decided to forward my original postsing. My reasons are as follows –
(1) I’m from interstate – so I don’t intimately know Brisbane.
(2) I’m initially planning to rent the house out and so I need a house with all the qualities normally associated with an investment property (i.e. ammenity, transport, services etc etc). Later I will be coming up to Brisbane to live.
Also, before I can do some “leg work” I need to get some good, basic knowledge of Brisbane so that I can focus my energy on certain areas. Afterall, I don’t want to come up to Brisbane before I have a good idea of the suburbs to look at.
Hi everyone. The November meeting was really good, especially the talks given by Petra, David, Andrew and Bryce (from Melbourne). My wife and I learnt a lot. [][]
Todays market is a “sellers market” [] not a “buyers market” . Good luck with the “starting off low” but I think that if you like the house and it adds up then – buy it. If not, wait until it’s a “buyers market” [] – which should be coming up very soon (don’t quote me on that).
Yesterday I received Eurofinance’s prospectus and spent many hours last night reading the voluminous document.
Having read it, I have both some GOOD NEWS for everyone and also some BAD NEWS.
The BAD NEWS is that all those people who said that “The higher the return, the higher the risk” (and you know who you are []) were probably right, but the GOOD NEWS is that in the latest copy of Money Magazine there was another advert on p65, from another company, claiming that you can “earn 11.25%p.a.” so I’m going to put all my life savings into that one instead.
You see how “just sitting on your bum” can make you money. I’ve made an extra 2.5% over and above the rate I would have got if I had just jumped in head first.
I’m not going to tell you the name of the company who is offering that rate – so you’ll just have to go and buy your own copy of the magazine. (NO – I don’t work for Money Magazine, or Paul Clitheroe). [] [] []
Dear MARTINW & ECCLES – I hope you’re both not inferring that I’m a “lard-arse” and like to “remain within a certain level of comfort like accepting 8.7% return instead of 10.4%. As it is too hard for” me – just because on 03/10/2003 I put a posting in under “8.75% p.a. for Just Sitting on Your Bum” which is now under the “General Investing” forum. [!]
Well, come to think of it – I am starting to put on a bit of weight around my bum but then again – If I can sit on my bum and make some money – then so be it. [8D][8D][8D] [][][]
That’s a really good site for venting your spleen on [}]
I can now keep my dirty linen (don’t want to keep bringing the subject up BUT has anyone ever heard of Whittles Strata “Managers” [}]) away from this site and just stick to learning about property investment. []
but also have a “black book” site where you can dob in the real estate agent who has shafted you or the property manager who has let your investments run to rack and ruin. It keeps them on their toes knowing that their name is being splashed all over a “property” website. It also serves to warn the “newbie” investor of who to look out for. It’s almost a WIN WIN situation for everyone. The shonky real estate agent can then look forward to improving his business, that for so long he had thought was going along quite well under his “professional” banner, whilst the “newbie” has the pleasure of knowing who the shonks are, before they actually become a victum themselves. THAT SOUNDS POSITIVE TO ME