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  • johnnt replied to the topic How to get started from Darwin… in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 5 months ago

    I too live and invest in Darwin.  As a previous poster has pointed ouit Darwin is powering ahead and not showing signs of slowing.  Population is growing , shortage of housing  and many large infrastructure projects in the offing and underway,  Could you ask for more?  If you are planning on staying here for a few years it is a no brainer.  Cost…[Read more]

  • johnnt replied to the topic Grout in the forum Do apologise for the 15 years, 9 months ago

    Do apologise for the oversight.  IP Freely is of course correct.  The acid should be mixed with water at I think 10:1.  Acid bought from hardware stores will have the ratios on the label. Wear eye protection too when applying.  It is not as dangerous as it sounds if done with care and common sense.

  • johnnt replied to the topic Grout in the forum Value Adding 15 years, 9 months ago

    Try mopping the tiles with hydrochloric acid.  It is what builders use to clean brickwork and is also used to clean a concrete floor prior to painting.  Mop on and it should fizz a bit.  Leave on for 20 mins or so and maybe do again if still dirty.  Mop off all residue with clean water a few times,  Try not to splash acid!  This will clean grout…[Read more]

  • johnnt replied to the topic Whittles Strata Managers – MGA Group of Companies in the forum Opinionated! 15 years, 11 months ago

    I have always believed that a  Body Corporate management company is only as good as the chairperson and committee  as elected by the owners at the AGM.  It is this committee that drives the show and instructs the BC Management company on all issues pertaining to the complex.  If this committee is slack and don't care then they only have thems…[Read more]


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