John H Lewis replied to the topic Best advice : Don’t invest into property : The australian market is CRASHING. in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
With the recent down turn in the share market i beleive people will start looking more closely at realestate, as a more stable investment i have property in Gunnedah Muswellbrook and newcastle and have a zero vacancy rate, and rents have gone up 30% minimun in the last twelve months,we certainly have shortage of housing in these…[Read more]
John H Lewis replied to the topic Are house prices set to boom? in the forum General Property 17 years ago
Dr Shane Oliver is the head of investment strategy and chief economist of AMP Capital Investors. Funny this is the guy who was at the helm of AMP when it fell from $28.00 a share to $5.00 say no more!!