JoH replied to the topic Personal Offset linked to IP? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Hi Richard,We are not going to purchase another PPOR for now, so in the meantime we will be renting ourselves for a year or two.So having a personal offset linked to an IP loan (interest only) isn't a probelm tax wise?Thanks for your helpJo
JoH replied to the topic Back retaining wall is on neighbours property… in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
We have also just come across this problem, we are in the process of building a new house and have found out that our neighbours side fence and retaining wall (we are on the low side) is about 200mm on our property. I know it doesn’t sound like much but to fit the house on the block we need the fence to be taken back to the correct position. W…[Read more]
JoH replied to the topic Investors Direct Brisbane in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Hi Rockian, yes we will be attending the Brisbane seminar on Sat 12th April. We have attended one of his previous seminars and found it really beneficial.
JoH replied to the topic Investors Direct Brisbane in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Thanks Darren, sounds like you are very happy with their services. I will definitely keep those names on record if we decide to go with them.Richard, our strategy is buy, add value and hold. We bought a house on a double block in Brisbane, removed the house, split the block and are now in the process of building two houses. We would like to do…[Read more]
JoH replied to the topic Investors Direct Brisbane in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Hi Richard, We are building 2 houses at the moment in Brisbane and will have a fair bit of equity when they are complete (July 08) so we were after a bit of direction with our next purchase/development and finance.ThanksJo
JoH replied to the topic Investors Direct Brisbane in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Thanks Darren, do you mind me asking the name of your consultant? Have you found them helpful?CheersJo