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  • Joel0430 replied to the topic members alliance in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 3 months ago

    Hi All,

    Just got a call from members alliance. This thread has been an interesting read.

    One point that he kept bring up was something about putting your tax dollars back into your mortgage and hence reducing the time it will take you to pay off your loan by "up to 75%". Can anyone explain what tax law he is referring to here?


  • Joel0430 replied to the topic Investing Strategy in the forum Shahin, I am based in 12 years, 5 months ago

    Shahin, I am based in Sydney.

  • Joel0430 replied to the topic Car V House in the forum Finance 13 years, 4 months ago

    Thanks for the reply Colin, that’s exactly my take on the situation.

    And… way to throw a spanner in the works with the tax deduction comment! haha. How does that actually effect things? because the fact is that we all do get car allowances here.

  • Joel0430 replied to the topic Capital growth in Sydney in the forum General Property 13 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks for the comments Event Horizon. Very helpful!

    I should mention that i am looking to buy there TO LIVE! But i want to make sure that it has good growth at the same time, to set me up with some equity to invest in the years to come.

    I couldn’t agree more on the “add value” concept. I have been to some real shockers in recent weeks. I’m sure…[Read more]

  • Joel0430 replied to the topic Capital growth in Sydney in the forum General Property 13 years, 5 months ago

    I took your advise Derek and got hold of the latest API mag. I summarised the suburbs im considering, check it out:

    If you look at St Peters, it has experienced 32% Growth in the past 12 months! massive!!! So am i right to say now is not a good time to buy into St Peters?

    Take…[Read more]

  • Joel0430 replied to the topic First Home Owners Grant in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks Emma,

    Ill definitely be looking into this thoroughly as its a lot of money on the line and will keep this thread updated when i decide what to do.

    I think it will come down to the fact that we cant borrow what we need based on one of our incomes. So we may not have much choice :)

  • Joel0430 replied to the topic Rent vs Buy a home in the forum General Property 13 years, 7 months ago

    Thanks for your comments Kimberly, its good to hear from someone in the position I will be in very shortly. I will keep it in mind, especially the tip not to pay a premium for a “nice” place when I can just add value my self.

    To be specific I’ve got $100k in cash which I was going to use for a deposit on a $400ish apartment in Sydney’s inner…[Read more]

  • Joel0430 replied to the topic Rent vs Buy a home in the forum General Property 13 years, 7 months ago

    Thanks for the comments everyone.

    My original post was made with the idea fresh in my mind! “oh my god its better to rent for sure, no way im going to buy!”.

    But you are right there are a lot of other up sides to owning. Things that, when I actually think about it, I really do want. Such as freedom to make the place my own.

    What would I do with…[Read more]


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