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  • jodieleigh replied to the topic Commercial property question in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Actually you DONT need to register for GST just because its a commercial property.
    You have to have an ABN, but you only need to register for GST if your income is going to go over the $50,000 mark.
    I have had commercial property for a few years and do not have to be registered for GST. Also the term ‘going concern’ as far as I am aware has a…[Read more]

  • jodieleigh replied to the topic First time as a landlord in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    In answer to the question REA or self manage I would first ask how close you are to the property?
    For example I self manage my properties that are in the same town, but the ones in other towns ie about 1000 km away I have an agent. Its just logistics.

    I am around my local IPs all the time because they are mostly in one prefered area so if the…[Read more]

  • jodieleigh replied to the topic Commercial property question in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Firstly…You need to qualify who owns the fixtures and fittings. With comercial properties the tennant, who has a much longer lease than with traditional residential leases, often spends good money to set up the premises to suit themselves. The owner will always be responsible for the maintenance of the buildings themselves and any outbuildings ,…[Read more]

  • jodieleigh replied to the topic FINDING THE CONFIDENCE in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Gee you really set off a hornets nest didnt you. Some interesting advice / ideas from many angles but I would consider just a couple of things. Firstly you are going to be paying about 6.9% interest on the money you borrow (or there abouts depending on how good your bank manager is). So work out how much interest you are going to pay for the year,…[Read more]

  • jodieleigh replied to the topic Yanchep – WA in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    I have something to add tho. They have been promising the extention to Marmion Ave and or the Freeway for as long as i can remember. I grew up in between Wanneroo and Yanchep where the old Lion Park used to be and they talked about the new highway back then

  • jodieleigh replied to the topic Yanchep – WA in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    I bought my very first property in Yanchep. 15 years ago. I paid $7000 for a 800sqm block just behind the primary school and sold it 3 months later for $17000 +. I came out with my first ever $10,000 I had ever owned!!
    I currently have property in Karratha & Geraldton, all of which have doubled since I purchased them only a couple of years ago. I…[Read more]

  • jodieleigh replied to the topic W.A. Contracts in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Ive always faxed O & A contracts back & forth in WA Find out if the property is listed with any other agents and go thro them instead. Let them fight it out for their share of the commission.

  • jodieleigh replied to the topic Where to advertise commercial property?? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    no I am definitely not an agent. I also no longer live in Karratha so its a bit more difficult than just showing inerested parties around the place. I thought the net because I could put photos and details up front for people to consider BEFORE I have to jump on a plane and fly over, which would still be cheaper than paying agents their 15k or…[Read more]

  • jodieleigh replied to the topic Don’t Wait For Opportunity in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    After her car got broken into in the parking area my tennant decided to move out. I gave my tennant an inexpensive electronic car alarm and she stayed another year!!

  • jodieleigh replied to the topic time is running out…CGT problem…. in the forum Legal & Accounting 20 years ago

    If your interested in tree investments, we did the same thing a few years back and got a 100% tex deduction on our purchase. Were very happy with the whole affair and now 6 or 7 yrs later were getting closer to our investment returns. Try Pawlonia Forrests we were quite impressed by them.

  • jodieleigh replied to the topic Frustrated Perth buyer in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Yes I agree with geraldton and Karratha. I have investment properties in both and get very good rent returns as well as capital gains.
