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  • jkrzyszton replied to the topic Unmotivated Partner in the forum No Subject 19 years, 4 months ago

    Having a partner with differing ideas is frustrating and sometimes stressful. My partner wants to wait for capital gain and noting I’ve read or read to him or gotten him to consider will change this. He comes from a very conservative migrant background where everything had to be paid off ASAP to be safe. I’m trying to be accomodating but we’re…[Read more]

  • jkrzyszton replied to the topic Unmotivated Partner in the forum No Subject 19 years, 4 months ago

    Originally posted by FW:
    Grrr my ISP had a glitch and lost the really long answer I’d typed to this!
    anyway, when I started out it’s fair to say hubby wasn’t keen. He was working ridiculous hours, and didn’t want to know. Initially I started doing some small share trades, and talking to him occasionally about it, but property was just…[Read more]


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