It’s 11.30am Saturday. Ten people have read my message. But still no Sydney folk interested to meet to discuss these wondrous ideas !!!
I’m Ish and my first real experience of this positive IP community was at the Masters Seminar. I’m hooked!!!!
Yesterday I negotiated and agreed on my first IP!!! Thanks so much to this community and site in assisting me to be educated enough to do that.
A little about me, I’m 36 and live in Sydney’s southern suburbs. No partner or kids…yet.[] I do however have 2 beautiful nieces, 6 and 8 years old.
I work as a training consultant for a company based in North Sydney but spend most of my work time in Australia’s capital cities running training courses. Plenty of time in hotels for searching the internet for properties I guess!!!
Nice to hear a little about all of you and was wondering if maybe we could go the next step. How do people in Sydney feel about setting up the occassional social meeting? Like minded people getting together and sharing experience, face to face! I’m more than happy to be the organiser so if you’re interested, drop me an email with the following preferences:
Frequency – ie. 1/month, 1/3 months, etc
Day of week
General Location – city, north, etc?
Drinks only or food and drinks
Makes no sense to say $80,000 equity unless you say in what…what is the property worth? What will it rent for? Is the property worth $81,000 or $800,000? Not thinking clearly… Crackerjack
Hi Guys
I’d would like someones thought on my inquiry if you have the tme please
Myself and ny partner have been in out property now for around 15 month and we know havw arround $80,000 in equity within our home now we havw 3 options open to us and would like someones thought on what to do please.
1) Do we sell our home and take the profit and reinvest in another home more suited to our needs.
2) Do we use the equity in the home to pay an investment property and and stay where we are for now.
3) Do we sell the home and pay out most off our morgage account and leave the remainder off our money in the morgage account & go and stay with a freind who has offered his home as a base for as long as we want it for free till we workout what it is we want to do or till we find the home inwhich we want to buy.
Any advice or help in this inquiry would be most greatful guys
Thank you
Hi Guys
I’d would like someones thought on my inquiry if you have the tme please
Myself and ny partner have been in out property now for around 15 month and we know havw arround $80,000 in equity within our home now we havw 3 options open to us and would like someones thought on what to do please.
1) Do we sell our home and take the profit and reinvest in another home more suited to our needs.
2) Do we use the equity in the home to pay an investment property and and stay where we are for now.
3) Do we sell the home and pay out most off our morgage account and leave the remainder off our money in the morgage account & go and stay with a freind who has offered his home as a base for as long as we want it for free till we workout what it is we want to do or till we find the home inwhich we want to buy.
Any advice or help in this inquiry would be most greatful guys
Thank you
Hi Guys
I’d would like someones thought on my inquiry if you have the tme please
Myself and ny partner have been in out property now for around 15 month and we know havw arround $80,000 in equity within our home now we havw 3 options open to us and would like someones thought on what to do please.
1) Do we sell our home and take the profit and reinvest in another home more suited to our needs.
2) Do we use the equity in the home to pay an investment property and and stay where we are for now.
3) Do we sell the home and pay out most off our morgage account and leave the remainder off our money in the morgage account & go and stay with a freind who has offered his home as a base for as long as we want it for free till we workout what it is we want to do or till we find the home inwhich we want to buy.
Any advice or help in this inquiry would be most greatful guys
Thank you