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  • jj_2 replied to the topic Sydney folk in the forum Hotch Potch 22 years ago

    Sydney people
    Let’s meet up in the CBD and talk about all this stuff. Email me

  • jj_2 replied to the topic Sydney folk in the forum Hotch Potch 22 years ago

    Sydney people
    Let’s meet up in the CBD and talk about all this stuff. Email me

  • jj_2 replied to the topic Sydney folk in the forum Hotch Potch 22 years ago

    Sydney people
    Let’s meet up in the CBD and talk about all this stuff. Email me

  • jj_2 replied to the topic Sydney folk in the forum Hotch Potch 22 years ago

    hey jj,

    i live in sydney and would be interested in meeting up…


  • jj_2 replied to the topic Sydney folk in the forum Hotch Potch 22 years ago

    hey jj,

    i live in sydney and would be interested in meeting up…


  • jj_2 replied to the topic Sydney folk in the forum Hotch Potch 22 years ago

    It’s 11.30am Saturday. Ten people have read my message. But still no Sydney folk interested to meet to discuss these wondrous ideas !!!

  • jj_2 replied to the topic Roll Call in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi All,

    I’m Ish and my first real experience of this positive IP community was at the Masters Seminar. I’m hooked!!!!

    Yesterday I negotiated and agreed on my first IP!!! Thanks so much to this community and site in assisting me to be educated enough to do that.

    A little about me, I’m 36 and live in Sydney’s southern suburbs. No partner…

    [Read more]

  • jj_2 replied to the topic Reinvesting in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Makes no sense to say $80,000 equity unless you say in what…what is the property worth? What will it rent for? Is the property worth $81,000 or $800,000? Not thinking clearly… Crackerjack

  • jj_2 replied to the topic Reinvesting in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Guys
    I’d would like someones thought on my inquiry if you have the tme please

    Myself and ny partner have been in out property now for around 15 month and we know havw arround $80,000 in equity within our home now we havw 3 options open to us and would like someones thought on what to do please.

    1) Do we sell our home and take the…

    [Read more]

  • jj_2 replied to the topic Reinvesting in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hi Guys
    I’d would like someones thought on my inquiry if you have the tme please

    Myself and ny partner have been in out property now for around 15 month and we know havw arround $80,000 in equity within our home now we havw 3 options open to us and would like someones thought on what to do please.

    1) Do we sell our home and take the…

    [Read more]

  • jj_2 replied to the topic Reinvesting in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Guys
    I’d would like someones thought on my inquiry if you have the tme please

    Myself and ny partner have been in out property now for around 15 month and we know havw arround $80,000 in equity within our home now we havw 3 options open to us and would like someones thought on what to do please.

    1) Do we sell our home and take the…

    [Read more]
