Jinal replied to the topic finance market in the forum Finance 14 years, 8 months ago
Financial markets have evolved significantly over several hundred years and are undergoing constant innovation to improve liquidity.Financial markets can be domestic or they can be international.
Jinal replied to the topic Investing in NZ in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years, 8 months ago
As i think that investment in Newzealand is very profitable.I love newzealand and now i am thinking about take property in Newzealand.
Jinal replied to the topic Europe tax benefits in the forum The Netherlands as the 14 years, 8 months ago
The Netherlands as the gateway to Europe.The general Dutch corporate income tax rate is 25.5%.This rate is more than competitive in the region as all countries surrounding The Netherlands have higher corporate income tax rates.Also the taxes on income distributed are in general much lower than in other countries.The international tax treaty…[Read more]