Total Members: 159,740


  • Goals and Intentions for 2013

    Save $20,000
    Sell wrap property
    Start live trading under supervision of George Fokas using his covered call strategy 
    Go to USA to do Demartini advanced course
    Go to the next level in my career 
    Greet all people with respect and happiness
    stay focused in the present
    see each of my daughters at least once a month 
    buy…[Read more]

  • JimDoyle replied to the topic Australian Property Investing Masters in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hi Gang

    After last weekend I have to act.
    One of my ah’s is I have an abundance of knowledge but a lack of action.
    So to date this is the action bit
    1. decided its ok to look stupid for a short time no one remembers anyway.

    2 started the journal entries for each day

    3 getting emails from for properties in my price range.

    4 have…[Read more]

  • JimDoyle replied to the topic A Deal… Too Good To Be True? in the forum The Treasure Chest 23 years ago

    Hi Steve

    Thanks for the site.
    This is my first post ever to any forum.

    I would offer $49500.00 and get on with wrapping it.
    My first choice would be to wrap it to the existing tenants.
    If this is not possible advertise and screen for suitable people to wrap it to.

    best regards

