jewalk replied to the topic Sell or Hold ??? Equity or CGT ??? Help !!! in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
My husband and I and our 2 children are currently renting and desperate to get into the market and hopefully start building some form of protfolio. sorry to put a question up here, don't know if this is the right spot, but am I reading this correctly in that it may be a better option to purchase an IP firstly and continue to rent? Beeing in QL…[Read more]
jewalk replied to the topic Sucess in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
this just sounds so inspiring!! I have just discovered this site today, I am a mother of 2 and just looking at the very scary prospect of entering the market and hopefully making sense of money and making it work for me!! You have inspired me into seeing a start is a start!!!! well done!