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  • JessW replied to the topic Tiles or laminate planks? in the forum Value Adding 14 years ago

    I just put down laminate floating floor in my rental property and love it. However, I don't know how it's going to wear in the long run, and would imagine that tiles would be longer lasting. However, the laminate flooring is definitely the cheaper option, and so much quicker to lay than tiles. Good luck!Jess

  • JessW replied to the topic Capital Gains Tax and date of sale in the forum Finance 14 years ago

    Just another question regarding cgt, which you may be able to help me with Richard (or anyone else!)…. I have heard that you can be an "owner builder" once every 3 years and pay no cgt? So, my situation is, we have a PPOR for which we have lived in for 5 years, and we have an IP that we purchased in May this year, have just renovated and are…[Read more]

  • JessW replied to the topic Capital Gains Tax and date of sale in the forum Finance 14 years ago

    Thanks Richard – you've always got the answers! And am I correct in the calculating of cgt? The tax office takes into account the amount of money spent on reno's?CheersJess

  • JessW replied to the topic FINALLY ….. in the forum General Property 14 years ago

    Hey Karen – here it is !!!Have quickly entered a couple of posts… sorry, name of blog is similar to yours… I'm trying to think of something else!!!I hadn't thought of blogging about it before, but, as I said you've inspired me!Anyway, check it out… by the way, I have a friend in Mackay who is a…[Read more]

  • JessW replied to the topic FINALLY ….. in the forum General Property 14 years ago

    That's great news, congrats! I've just checked out your blog… it's great! I am also a property investing housewife!! My hubby works away a lot, so the property investing journey is mostly mine… I'm currently renovating our first IP, which I will put a tenant in until mid next year, and then sell and move on to the next one. I soooo hope my…[Read more]

  • JessW replied to the topic Stephen Tolle & Cherie Barber workshop in the forum Value Adding 14 years ago

    Hi there Renos – feel free to shoot me an email – jesshyde@bigpond.comCheers, Jess

  • JessW replied to the topic Painting tip in the forum Creative Investing 14 years ago

    hahaha, been there, done that!! Bugs don't look so great on a beautifully painted feature wall….maree_bradross – I am about to begin stripping wallpaper (for my very first reno!) – what is wall wik??CheersJess

  • JessW replied to the topic Stephen Tolle & Cherie Barber workshop in the forum Value Adding 14 years ago

    Hi guys – sorry to those I haven't replied to on this thread… i've been very busy – holidaying, and yes, renovating!Alex – I have just begun my first reno, and am now in the full swing of it…. I knew it wouldn't all be smooth sailing, but I didn't think it would be soooooo frustrating! It's only a small reno really. It's a small 2 bedroom plus…[Read more]

  • JessW replied to the topic First IP in the forum General Property 15 years ago

    Hi Karmark – welcome to the forum! I'm absolutely no expert, but I do know that the banks will only loan you 80% of the equity you have in your home i.e. $120k equity, they'll loan you up to $96k. I believe it also depends on your borrowing capacity which comes back to your income and ability to repay the loan. One of the finance experts on this…[Read more]

  • JessW replied to the topic My renovation challange in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    Looking great Brian – would love to see some more photos!CheersJess

  • JessW replied to the topic Stephen Tolle & Cherie Barber workshop in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    Jess hi,Sounds like the workshop was worth every penny! I bet you are ready to take off!Thx for your feedback-its got me thinking and now i am considering doing their workshop in syd later in the year.Can you please tell me if amongst all the goodies that you got, did they provide any software to assist with analysing and /or managing  projects?…[Read more]

  • JessW replied to the topic Stephen Tolle & Cherie Barber workshop in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    geoffandcassie wrote:
    Hey Jess,that does sound like a great overview of topics, I have one question if you don't mind answering? Do they teach you about financing properties when you're just starting out, ie how to obtain finance?I was looking at managing renovating properties for a living, but obviously to do that you would need to quit your d…[Read more]

  • JessW replied to the topic Stephen Tolle & Cherie Barber workshop in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    Hi dbliss – no I didn't get your email!! Did you send it my home address? jesshyde@bigpond.comYep I would love to catch up too, trust me there'll be plenty to talk about! Could you try emailing me again? CheersJess

  • JessW replied to the topic Can anyone identify what style of home this is? in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    Hey Mav – I agree with Jason – i would imagine it would be far too expensive to try to restore it. Restoration and Renovation are two very different things. And at the crux of it – restoration is more expensive! You're probably better off to bring it up to a light, bright, modern standard that will appeal to all types of different people. Anyway -…[Read more]

  • JessW replied to the topic Brick or Weather Board ??? in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    Hi Jason – I just had a look at your Nerang house, looks great. Is it an expensive process to render the entire house like that? ThanksJess

  • JessW replied to the topic Stephen Tolle & Cherie Barber workshop in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    Hi everyone – well I have just had my weekend workshop with Stephen & Cherie, and it was great! Really comprehensive… Cherie is like this crazy woman who covers absolutely every single detail you can think of! And Steve – well he's just funny!!No seriously, it was very full-on, loads of information, their Due Diligence System is very…[Read more]

  • JessW replied to the topic Stephen Tolle & Cherie Barber workshop in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    Great thanks Tina – I did actually email them last night so I'm sure now that I've done that I'll be on their e-mail list too! I might think about going too. If I do I'll let you know. CheersJess

  • JessW replied to the topic Stephen Tolle & Cherie Barber workshop in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    Hi Tina – I haven't heard of  "Women in Property" either so I just checked out the website. Can't seem to find when their next meeting is though – do you know? Might be good….CheersJess

  • JessW replied to the topic Stephen Tolle & Cherie Barber workshop in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    Thanks so much for the feedback Ian! Great to hear you enjoyed it. I am off their workshop in Melbourne this weekend and I'm very excited about it!CheersJess

  • JessW replied to the topic Stephen Tolle & Cherie Barber workshop in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    Hey Kylie – I've sent you a pm – not sure if it worked though… you can email me at – would love to catch up!Cheers, Jess

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