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  • jesseflemming replied to the topic Premium Private Wealth in the forum Help Needed! 9 years, 10 months ago

    My parents terminated the contract during the cooling off period. This was based on a few things. My mother after leaving the office and realising she had just signed a contract for allot of money without really independently thinking things through decided to do some research based on what she had been told at their “appointment”.

    After doing…[Read more]

  • jesseflemming replied to the topic Premium Private Wealth in the forum Help Needed! 9 years, 10 months ago

    My parents terminated the contract during the cooling off period. This was based on a few things. My mother after leaving the office and realising she had just signed a contract for allot of money without really independently thinking things through decided to do some research based on what she had been told at their “appointment”.

    After doing…[Read more]

  • jesseflemming replied to the topic Premium Private Wealth in the forum Help Needed! 9 years, 10 months ago

    My parents terminated the contract during the cooling off period. This was based on a few things. My mother after leaving the office and realising she had just signed a contract for allot of money without really independently thinking things through decided to do some research based on what she had been told at their “appointment”.

    After doing…[Read more]

  • jesseflemming replied to the topic Premium Private Wealth in the forum Help Needed! 10 years ago

    My parents recently went to a meeting at PPW’s offices in Brisbane after receiving a cold call and ended up signing the contract on a development town house for 419k in albany creek. They also said they were offered a development home in Harvey Bay as well.
    I would really like peoples opinion on this premium private wealth mob as I’m worried for…[Read more]

  • jesseflemming replied to the topic Premium Private Wealth in the forum Help Needed! 10 years ago

    My parents recently went to a meeting at PPW’s offices in Brisbane after receiving a cold call and ended up signing the contract on a development town house for 419k in albany creek. They also said they were offered a development home in Harvey Bay as well.
    I would really like peoples opinion on this premium private wealth mob as I’m worried for…[Read more]

  • jesseflemming became a registered member 10 years ago


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