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  • Jesseelstak replied to the topic Positive Gearers vs Negative Gearers in the forum No Subject 20 years, 9 months ago

    thank you forthis info.

    Jesse Elstak

  • Jesseelstak replied to the topic Positive Gearers vs Negative Gearers in the forum No Subject 20 years, 9 months ago

    [blink]I am looking at a property in Cairns which has a healthy Sinking Fund of $26,475 as at 31.12.2003
    Can any body tell me what a sinking fund is


    Jesse Elstak

  • Jesseelstak replied to the topic Steve Live in the forum No Subject 20 years, 9 months ago

    Hi ,
    I am surprise to find so many comments and so much reading time is spent on critique. I come to this site to find people who are like minded in relation to property investing. To learn from them and to share the experiences with them. But instead I come across debates about TV, the price of a seminar. I own a company which sells a premium…[Read more]

  • Jesseelstak replied to the topic Too hard!!!!! in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 9 months ago

    [biggrin] I bought the book by Steve Mac knight and was so impressed by it that I to started look for +ve IP on the sunshine coast of all places. When I could not find any I decided to do steve’s course in Melbourne recently. I was expecting to get the magical answer to finding IP, but instead I was challenge to think outside the box. As it…[Read more]


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