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  • jesky72 replied to the topic Setting up a team in USA when based in Australia in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years, 5 months ago

    Martha,As an investor in the states I will say the best thing to do is visit for yourself. Short of that talk to other Aussies who have done deals remotely, if you would like the names of several people who I know have done deals. I would be more then happy to pass them along for you to chat with. At least this way you can get an idea of the…[Read more]

  • jesky72 replied to the topic Where is the soundest state/county to invest in America? in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years, 6 months ago

    I have seen a LOT of interest in the Michigan market, primarily Grand Rapids. Low crime, high growth and 3.2 Billion in public/private investment in medical university and hospitals.


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