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  • jempire started the topic Funding Required – Money Partner in the forum Finance 8 years ago


    I am currently in the final stages of sub-dividing a vacant parcel of land in Brisbane. I have contacts issued on both proposed lots ($405k ea lot) with settlement due to occur on 13th June 2017. However I have a shortfall of $35k to complete the sub-division.

    I have spoken to a few private lenders regarding bridging finance and the LVR cut…[Read more]

  • Hi all,

    I have a an 809sm block with an DA approval to sub-divide (2 x 404sm) in an inner city suburb of Brisbane close to a uni and train station. I am looking for a JV partner to help sub-divide and build 2 houses to sell.

    if you are interested, please make contact with and I can send you all the information.

  • jempire started the topic Help!!!!! in the forum Creative Investing 9 years ago

    I have an opportunity to purchase a house on an 850sm block and an adjoining 450sm vacant land. I don’t want to pay for both titles now but want to secure a price for both and settle and take possession on the house first in 30days and the vacant land 6mths later.

    Does anyone have any ideas on the best way to structure the offer for this to…[Read more]

  • jempire started the topic Help!!!!! in the forum Creative Investing 9 years ago

    I have an opportunity to purchase as house on an 850sm block and an adjoining 450sm vacant land. I don’t want to pay for both titles now but want to secure a price for both and settle on the house first in 30days time and the vacant land 6mths later.

    Does anyone have any ideas on the best way to word the contact for this to occur?

    Your ideas are…[Read more]

  • jempire started the topic Creative/Resourceful Mortgage Broker Required in the forum Finance 10 years ago

    Im looking for a creative/resourceful mortgage broker. Can anyone recommend one?



  • jempire replied to the topic young investor seeks advice – HELP! in the forum No Subject 22 years ago


    Use the redraw and equity and why not buy 2 or 3 properties?

  • jempire replied to the topic A rare breed indeed… in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Well said Sooshie!

  • jempire replied to the topic Hard decision…..Advice please. in the forum No Subject 22 years ago


    Is there a way for you to increase the rent?

  • jempire replied to the topic a straightforward question (i think) in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Yes, Johnd is correct.

    Consult your accountant regarding this advice.


  • jempire replied to the topic Rent Increase – My Conscience Says Wait in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    I have just gone through a similar thing.

    Let me paint a picture for you.

    Single mum 18, and has a baby 1 year old. She had to move out of home because she was pregnant. She has been renting my unit for 1 year now to the day, and her lease had expired 6 months ago. She is a really good tenant pays her rent on time and never has a…[Read more]

  • jempire replied to the topic Hard decision…..Advice please. in the forum No Subject 22 years ago


    How much rent are you getting for the unit?

    Is the unit + or – geared?

    My option is to keep the unit. Access the equity in the unit and your house to build the extra level.

    I agree with Tas don’t just talk to your bank about it seek other advice from other financial insto’s.

    Do your figures and get all the facts first before making a…[Read more]

  • jempire replied to the topic A rare breed indeed… in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi All

    I would like to put in my two bob’s worth on the topic.

    I believe that you are more blessed to give than you are to receive.

    Steve and his team have done extremely well to create an environment here on the forum that helps you to grow as an investor.

    This site gives away more information than any other investor website I have found. So…[Read more]

  • jempire replied to the topic GST – Yes or No? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    So let me get this right.

    Because res income has no GST the GST on the purchases can not be claimed.

    So if you can not legally claim the GST on say your repairs than what is the piont of being registered for GST (when dealing with res properties).

  • jempire replied to the topic Property Investment Software in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    I purchased Jan Somers PIA software. It has a lot of good features on it, so Im lead to beleive. My only problem I have with it is that I dont know how to use it.

    A software package that would enable you to do the DD on a complete wrap would be good, ie you cost and the cost to the purcahser.

  • jempire replied to the topic Property Gurus ( Have a crack at this. ) in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    In answer to Stuart, I have a question from your comment. Where in gods name do I find a res property showing a 10% yield???????

    If you can show me I will follow you to the moon and back.

    Look forward to your reply.



    In response to your question about where to find IP’s that return 10%, they are out there you just…[Read more]

  • jempire replied to the topic Help! in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Thanks for that.

  • jempire replied to the topic Australian Property Investing Masters in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hi Sooshie,

    I would like some feed back on your role you played in the game.

    PS Im the guy you were really tuff on in the game and you told me afterwards why.

  • jempire replied to the topic 1 deposit or 2??? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago


    I have a question for your regarding your situation.

    What investment strategy are you looking at using Renos, Lease-option, Wraps or Buy and hold?

    Your last question to the forum was where do you find these so called +ve properties? My answer to you is, you create them each property requires a different strategy it. Anyone can invest…[Read more]

  • jempire replied to the topic IDEAS FOR FINDING PROSPECTIVE PROPERTIES in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Great idea Tiffany, I agree with sooshie. If you could post it here in the forum for all to see that would be great.
