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  • hannahbella3 wrote:
    hi,I have been reading this forum for many months now but this is my first name is Hannah and i am a waitress living in Kalgoorlie, i have always wanted to become a real estate agent and i got this opportunity when i came to kalgoorlie a year and a half ago and im so glad that i did as i learnt so much that it is now…[Read more]

  • emptyvessel wrote:
    I would take a very close look at the fine print of that contract to see exactly when and under what circumstances your commission would be paid. Perhaps also what liability you have if a deal goes bad. Just in case the company is dodgy. (Note: I am not saying it is, but forewarned is forearmed.)If it seems remotely…[Read more]

  • scotts wrote:
    for a young person with no living expenses (eg living with parents, paying no rent/food bills) I think its fine to take a commission only job and see where it takes you, however if you have living expenses and debt it will be highly stressful for you..also is that the area of real estate you want to get into or are you only…[Read more]

  • Jamie M wrote:
    Have you been in sales before? There are lenders that take commission into account when looking at borrowing capacity. However, a straight forward PAYG full time salary will cause less dramas when sourcing finance. It's a tough industry to be successful in so think carefully before making the plunge. Cheers Jamie

    Hi Jamie:No, i…[Read more]

  • Scott No Mates wrote:
    What is the deal? Are they running a 'tab' for your training & going to take this from your comms? Are you getting at least 50% comms? Do they provide qualified leads? Doing cold calls? What else will they be deducting from your comms? Eg all promo material, phone, business cards, notebook, etc? Are you selling off the…[Read more]

  • jelovea2003 replied to the topic Refer to feaso study, “equity contribution” in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    christianb wrote:
    Just finished reading that thread and it was fabulous – like a little novella.And don't worry about dropping $6,000 to learn a lesson, they're often far more expensive than that.Keep at it Jelovea, and wonderful advice dispensed as well.

    Thanks christinanb~~^^ I will~

  • jelovea2003 replied to the topic Refer to feaso study, “equity contribution” in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Dear angel~Thx for your time and  advises for today~ ^^ Sooo nice of u~~~~~I will keep looking for a full time job in real estate..+ I hope i meet u when i was .. i just turn 23 last month. T.TI will c u again soon..take care ange~ooxx

  • jelovea2003 replied to the topic Refer to feaso study, “equity contribution” in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    to scott:

    thats from carly’s property course…. cost me 6k from my own savings. i promised angel i will never do these seminars again. thx for ur respond^^.

  • jelovea2003 replied to the topic Rhodes apartments in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    hi~~ I have some scenario think u might interest to know. I have a friend she brought an apartment over in Rhodes close to the railway. The chemical smells so badly, and toxic she said, every time when the wind brings over that smell, she have to shut the window, and of course she cant left the window open becuse of that. So she end up sold it be…[Read more]

  • jelovea2003 replied to the topic Carly Crutchfield (developing) in the forum Heads Up! 14 years ago

    coastymike wrote:
    jeloveaI haven't had any experience with Carly Crutchfield but my experience with a lot of these seminar hosts is that in practice it is extremely difficult to implement their strategies.  Now the next thing you will be saying is "ohh shit so you are telling me I wasted $6k" well no.  i'm sure you've learnt a lot from the c…[Read more]

  • I had a look of your link. But i also would like to confirm that  its mainly seminars, not networking, rit?

  • jelovea2003 replied to the topic Carly Crutchfield (developing) in the forum Heads Up! 14 years ago

    i joined carly's course last year. With no assets at all, i find out that it still pretty hard to find profitable deal that over 20% and find people to join ventures with me as well. What their stuff telling me is " dont give up… there is way of doing it… c that… carly can do it… u can do it.."-_-… now, its more than half year…[Read more]

  • Haysondevelopments wrote:
    Hi All, Carly's Pro Develop Home Study Course is amazing. I loved it and learnt so much. I am continuing with my education with Ccorp and highly recommend it. If you go to one of her one day seminars, she sells it there, but with easy payment plans to ease the financial burden on you. PM me if you want more info.…[Read more]

  • jelovea2003 replied to the topic how much does a option contract cost? in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years ago

    Qlds007 wrote:
    I agree with Terry each Call Option contract i have ever used was specifically drawn up for the project in mind and do not believe that 1 hat can fit all.Terry is a lawyer and maybe for the fee he mentioned  he could assist you.Would save you a lot and also you are getting some first hand expertise.CheersYours in Finance

    thx  gu…[Read more]

  • did u get benifits form doing that course~ is that reliable?im worried???????
