Interesting topic. Here’s a tip I got from Adelaide Bank when we renegotiated our loan on PPOR a couple of years ago.
We had an Adelaide Bank Visa card that at this point of time was not being used.
She advised me to BPAY from this Adel Bank Visa to clear our other Visa with ANZ when this account was due. The ANZ visa was our everyday spending card.
The BPAY from Adel bank visa was not treated as a cash advance so infact what it meant was that we used the banks money for 2 months interest free whilst saving interest on our revolving credit line!
It was a bit of mucking around but I am sure it did help with the interest on our rcl.[]
HI Terry
I tried to find my way around the ING website. I was looking for a high interest rate to put some funds into in my kids names. They received some cash from their Granny and it needs to be put in a guaranteed investment.
I couldn’t find anything that resembled what you quoted. Help!!
Yes, very interesting topic. But is anyone buying cash flow posistive property in any of these areas? No one has mentioned positive or negative. Surely you are buying negative and hoping for the capital gains!