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  • jekjoy replied to the topic Anyone knows about Roy Macdonald and his One Life in the forum Heads Up! 10 years, 3 months ago

    Title:No ROI with Roy!

    Agree with Chris totally.

    Roy’s typical opening line of his course is: 95% people in this room (in the seminar with him) will rely on pension when they retire. Only 5% will ‘make it’. What are you going to do with the rest of your life?

    He first triggers your fear. Then he brags very intelligently to show you how he…[Read more]

  • jekjoy replied to the topic Anyone knows about Roy Macdonald and his One Life in the forum Heads Up! 10 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Everyone,

    From what I have read the posts since 2006 in this forum, the things Roy Macdonald sells have changed a bit, but how he operates to suck people’s money remains more or less the same.

    We paid about 10K to do his (less than) 4-day ‘One Life Magic’ programme at his property in the Hunter Valley. 70% of the time was about personal…[Read more]

  • jekjoy replied to the topic What first: PPOR or investment? in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 6 months ago

    HI guys,

    really appreciate your opinions :)

    Have already read Jamie's article too. 

    We are on our way to be educated investors. Hopefully our roads will cross some time later.


  • jekjoy replied to the topic Dymphna Boholt Growth and cashflow in the forum Heads Up! 12 years ago

    Hi everyone,

    I am new here and this is my first post! (because I see I can contribute something…smiley)

    I've just been to her one day free seminar in Sydney. As a total novice in real estate, I found her information useful. I singed up for her $5000 program. However, after I did quite some research on the internet, I decided to return the program. I…[Read more]


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