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  • JeffRosales replied to the topic Ozinvest in the forum Heads Up! 18 years, 5 months ago

    I checked out their site, and what they offer is finding negative geared property with a guaranteed lease for 10 years.

    Taking the 10 years lease away, anyone can find negative geared properties nowadays. And as to the 10 years lease, I think it is not necessarely a great bargain.

    Now, if you are gathering capital growth properties for the long…[Read more]

  • JeffRosales replied to the topic Tips wanted on how to sell in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 6 months ago

    You could advertise your property asking for expressions of interest. In other words, you ask prospective buyers what they are willing to offer.

    You are not obliged to accept their offers, and you could keep a database of interested people.

    Once you determine the price range (based on what people are willing to pay), you could use it to…[Read more]

  • JeffRosales replied to the topic Advice needed – living in invest property in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 7 months ago


    1. If you have not paid rent for about 17 years, have you saved that money? Or did you spend it? If you saved it, you would have a large deposit to buy that house.

    2. As the previous poster, I think that paying rent could be a solution for your mother in respect of income.

    3. A better alternative could be to set up a lease-option…[Read more]

  • JeffRosales replied to the topic Interest Rates Up! in the forum General Property 18 years, 7 months ago

    Hi Steve,

    Jeff here, from the Wild West.

    I believe Easter States will show more of an impact than here in WA, if only because the prices have already gone down (even before the interest rate raise).

    Here in WA, prices have been up, up and away for a while now… and it continues on that trend. I think this is because there is an actual shortage…[Read more]

  • JeffRosales replied to the topic WANTED! Feedback… Reward Offered in the forum Hotch Potch 22 years, 7 months ago

    Hi Steve,

    I think it is a bit early at this point in time to give some meaningful feedback about this forum. However, the idea is good (not necessarely unique, but good).

    I guess the relevant question could be: how can we make this forum different and “better” than other similar forums on the same topic?

    From past experience, what makes a forum…[Read more]


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