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  • jeff2investUSA replied to the topic Syracuse, NY in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    angelinsydney wrote:
    Thanks,I'm looking for income. 

    Hi Angelinsydney,

    I am investing in Rochester NY and am working with a very good team, ROI up to 20%+ If you woud like more info please email me

  • Simon,

    Are you based in Canada? If so I have contacts in Canada that can assist you….if you are living in Australia and from Canada that’s different.
    i have emailed you before.

  • jeff2investUSA replied to the topic Property manager in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    DHCP wrote:
    Hi Guys,First of all, I would like to thank those investors who shared their investing experienced in the US. Certainly, Steve McKnight will be proud of you by sharing your knowledged of investing.For those investors who have invested already in the US real estate market, and have not used a buyer's agent, as part of your due…[Read more]

  • jeff2investUSA replied to the topic Positive Cashflow next gone forever in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago


    That’s very good advise, despite the insuranc epolicy covering any damage, as an Australian investor why would you want to invest in an area that is prone to natural disasters.
    Where are you looking to purchase


  • jeff2investUSA replied to the topic opening a US bank account in the forum From what I understand each 14 years ago

    From what I understand each state has different rules & regulations. I have set up a LLC in New York LLC, I needed an attorney to do that.

    He got me the EIN which helped me open the bank account with HSBC.

    His advise to me was to use an attorney , eventhough it is a little more expensive it is worth it to know that one has proper legal advise.


  • jeff2investUSA replied to the topic MIAMI (ad)VICE in the forum I am not suprised at BB’s 14 years ago

    I am not suprised at BB’s experience, my NY partners have told me for MONTHS that banks will NOT lend to foreigners, and as BB states certainly not REO property’s.

    I have made mention on a number of occassions that Miami is not a good place to purchase…as the sheer volume of bank owned property.

    I have a US partner based in Denver who is a…[Read more]

  • S.Imetuti wrote:
    HiThanks for taking time to read my question. I'm a Canadian investor looking to buy investment properties in the US to rent and hold. Lately someone told me i could get 90% finance if i used my business to buy these. I'm do not work or live in the US. Could anyone advise me on the best strategy or refer me to someone…[Read more]

  • jeff2investUSA replied to the topic Using Superannuation to purchase US property in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    Qlds007 wrote:
    Sorry Michael but i have to disagree.The investment decision making of the fund is set by the Trustees and not the Accountant / Financial Planner and whether such an investment can be made is outlined in the Investment strategy normally set up with the original Trust Deed.Certainly a member might take advice from an Accountant /…[Read more]

  • jeff2investUSA replied to the topic EIN, ITIN Forms in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    streamlineinvesting wrote:
    Hello all,I hope what I am asking has not been asked before in different posts, I did have a look and could not find much. I also had a bit of a look without much help.I have been trying to get everything set up to allow us to start investing in property in the USA. Basically, we are two mates who wanted to pool…[Read more]

  • jeff2investUSA replied to the topic further research for USA investing. in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    Rosa Tong wrote:

    jeff2investUSA wrote:
    Rosa, Thats a hard question, I suppose you could ask were in Australia they have invested and what type of investment? Investing with there own company is not a bad thing….. The MOST important area of investing in the USA is the property management…..can they provide a tenant year in and out…….…[Read more]

  • jeff2investUSA replied to the topic further research for USA investing. in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago


    Thats a hard question, I suppose you could ask were in Australia they have invested and what type of investment?

    Investing with there own company is not a bad thing…..

    The MOST important area of investing in the USA is the property management…..can they provide a tenant year in and out…….

    What cities are they wanting you to…[Read more]

  • jeff2investUSA replied to the topic HouseBuyers USA in the forum michaelandre70 14 years ago

    michaelandre70 wrote:

    jeff2investUSA wrote:

    RickH wrote:
    Jeff,Why do you say that ?What evidence do you have to support your statement ?I have looked into KC and their are good and shocking parts (like all cities). The middle of the run areas still provide solid returns.It is a stable city and UE rates ect are all at are below national…[Read more]

  • jeff2investUSA replied to the topic HouseBuyers USA in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago


    You have had 30 years experience in investing in the US market? or 30 years investing in property?

  • jeff2investUSA replied to the topic further research for USA investing. in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    Hi Rosa,

    The one question I would ask any of these people is have they invested in any property either here in Australia….or the USA, because if one has not invested and done the hard yuards themselves….how can they advise you on investing.

    Have you invested in property here in Australia?

  • jeff2investUSA replied to the topic HouseBuyers USA in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    ActToday wrote:
    Jeff, I disagree with you on investing in Florida.  To say Florida has some of the worst vacancy rates does not tie in with what I am finding.  If you price your rental according to demand you have no problems securing a tenant.  There is a glut of available houses and where are those previous home owners now….renting.  Flo…[Read more]

  • jeff2investUSA replied to the topic HouseBuyers USA in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    RickH wrote:
    Jeff,From what i read and seeing your website you are working in NY state ?How is that part treating you. I read alot of people are turned of that area and in particular Buffolo .Is this your area of specialty or do you have a wider market ?

    Hi RickH,

    Not touching Buffalo because my partners there do not invest there, I am…[Read more]

  • jeff2investUSA replied to the topic HouseBuyers USA in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    karlred wrote:
    Hi – I'm looking for some advice from those more experienced than me. If you were looking for a balance between cash flow and capital growth with approx 120 – 140K to invest would you buy:One condoTwo CondosOne house orOne of eachAnd where would you target. I have looked at Fort Myers, Tampa and Orlando in Florida and could pr…[Read more]

  • jeff2investUSA replied to the topic HouseBuyers USA in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    RickH wrote:
    Jeff,Why do you say that ?What evidence do you have to support your statement ?I have looked into KC and their are good and shocking parts (like all cities). The middle of the run areas still provide solid returns.It is a stable city and UE rates ect are all at are below national averages. I am happy to read anything you have on KC…[Read more]

  • jeff2investUSA replied to the topic Property in the USA in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    USA wrote:
    hi thereJust read up above someone called "Troy" on this forum has foreign national finance available, could someone please let me know his detailsThanks

    From my research it is very difficult to get loans in the USA for foreigners. Also the foreign currency component would have a negative effect if the Aussi dollar starts to drop…[Read more]

  • jeff2investUSA replied to the topic RECOMMENDED US TOWNS TO INVEST IN? in the forum jeff2investUSA 14 years ago

    jeff2investUSA wrote:

    propvest78 wrote:
    jeffplease do, email through your companys reply. would be interesting.

    Willl do!!!

    If you email me you private email adress I can email you the article as it is to large to copy & paste on the forum….thats if you would like to receive it.


    my email is

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