jdshcn replied to the topic Shaghai – China… in the forum Opinionated! 19 years ago
heihei … me local shanghainese…
a 3 room flat costs u more than 2000000 rmb in the city(it’s the cheapest price). with no park(have to buy seperately).
i cannot stand seeing poor ppl living arround me everyday, so i want to move from shanghai to oz. somebody help me?
i will attend a tafe college in sydney next year. should i buy a flat just…[Read more]
jdshcn replied to the topic China in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago
hello from local shanghainese:)
lots of riches of china are sending there kids to us, canada, oz, nz, the western countries so that they can transfer their money to overseas because they saw it’s not a good thing to hold realestate forever in china because of the changing policy and big gap between rich and poor.
i also wish can settle down…[Read more]
jdshcn replied to the topic Any one bought in Shanghai? in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
i am local shanghainese.
you were quite right because in recent decade the proprety investments’ return is about 200% or 300% but with the govnmnts changing policies, the current market is not that profitable as it used to be.cautious: price within Zhongshan RD is more steable compared with outside Middle Cycle Line(Zhong Huan Xian in…[Read more]