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  • jazzyjeff replied to the topic Conveyancing company or solicitor? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 6 months ago

    Conveyencing company – they specialise in it and it’s cheaper (so the add says). Solicitors just get their office staff to do it as mentioned above. There are hold-ups and it’s impossible to get them on the phone. And they charge bigger fees in my experience.

  • jazzyjeff replied to the topic Pre-purchase… found water stain on ceiling… in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi CoG,

    The same thing happened in a bathroom in a house that I bought – water stains, turns out the shower was leaking. We said either cut the price or fix it – they decided to fix it. Not a year later it had to be completely renovated as it had only been temporarily repaired. Being totally naive at the time we just believed it was fixed so it…[Read more]


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