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  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Finance for US Property in the forum Overseas Deals 10 years, 12 months ago

    Freckle,  Blackstone is now securitizing their lease agreements to raise more capital.. So they raised capital to buy the asset then put a tenant in and wrapped up al lthe lease's and borrowed on them.. B Stone could be heading down a deep dark hole when rents fail to appear.. And anyone who has owned US rentals know that rents are anything but a…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Cash Flow Gold in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years ago

    they do certainly exist. one just has to pick the right neighborhoods.. If you get suckered into 15 to 25% returns then you will be in the Ghetto in Detroit and good luck

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Cash Flow Gold in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years ago

    I would only consider Detroit if the rental pool had 700 plus fico's  Debt to income ratio 30% or so. years on the job and absolutly NO section 8. And in areas were the houses truely cost 100k or better. there are no board ups on the street ext.

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic NEW: US Property Focus Group (Free to Join) in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years ago

    JWmwilson,,,,  No secret how to buy properties for 2k or less in the US..Virtually any Ghetto area of the mid west upper mid west and some east coast cities will have plently of homes priced like this. There is an area south and east of Chicago in Indiana were there are virtually hundreds of homes that go for next to nothing at Property tax sales.…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Cash Flow Gold in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years ago

    I did 200 plus loans in detroit from 05 to 07  and exited in 08… I ended up with 2 REO's and rehabbed them and sold them to kindly home owners on vendor contracts/ The lovely buyers both defaulted within 6 months and totally trashed the houses. I lost 100k cash on those deals..I would not touch detroit with a ten meter cattle prod personally

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Georgia buyers agent? in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years ago

    andy  is the new Jay  preaching the same scenerio of reality..

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Buying property in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years ago

    Engelo,  true of East coast.. however if this gentlemen could set up a company and hire Mexican laborers at 10 bucks an hour he could do well.. Subcontrators in this markert do really well if they can scale their business.. One of our plasters  ( I assume this is dry wall) here in oregon has over 400 mexicans working for him and makes boat load of…

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic My Trip to the US in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years ago

    Texas in my mind is a market that just stays neutral.. IE properties sell for build cost plus some profit for the builder and then just stay there… There is just no arguing the fact that those that bought ATlanta ( like we did) when houses were 25 to 40k  did well. AS well as Vegas at 50k AZ same CA same.. Texas if you bought a few years ago the…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Instalment contracts in the forum Creative Investing 11 years ago

    here in is the language barrier between the states an OZ  I have no clue as to what this post says… And I have 35 years in the bizz.. I can only imagine how OZ investors get confused with US coloquial terminaligy

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic My Trip to the US in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years ago

    Frekeles   this is a graph of the stock market which does not really track the RE market.. Pull up Cupertino CA. Palo Alto CA SF CA  Los Altos CA Saratoga CA Los Gatos CA.. this is were I was born an raised..

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic investing in cash flow rentals?? in the forum Creative Investing 11 years ago

    Since Overseas deals threads have died maybe we can get something going here… couple points…Interest rates really don't affect Foriegn buyers because most cannot get a loan from a US institution for IP  period.  One can hope and try but far and few between nation wide… At least in the types of properties we are talking about 50 to 100k SFR…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Wow overseas deals threads sure have died.. in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years ago

    GG 22              Yes in fact many many US home owners have been living in their homes for many years without making any payment…  I Vegas there are attorneys for 1,000 bucks or so that can keep you in a house for 2 to 3 years.   The amazing thing is the attitude of those that are in the houses like you have expressed… Its like it thier right…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Global REI Basics – Part 1 – Choosing your Target Market in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 1 month ago

    Freckle I read that article today as well… And when the hedge funds moved in and bounced the smaller investors out and the small to mid turn key operator out of the market in ATL. SoCAL. Vegas PHX etc.. I for one was at the court house steps watching these companies and their minions bid on properties and having been in this bizz basically all…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Buying property in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 1 month ago

    Ryan,  I am impressed with your knowledge of "The City"  thats what us Northern Californians call it….The Tenderloin brings back memories of the precursor to Homeless folks we called then  Wino's or Hobo's in the day….                  There is rent control in SF,, Berkely across the bay is well known for rent control.   I would think the SF…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Buying property in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 1 month ago

    SF is one of the best rental markets in the world period. I am born and raised there.  I would venture to guess you did not buy this Pacific Heights condo for anything under 400 to 800k US you just happened to have a tenant with money or means  to collect on the rent that he paid why he was not in the unit.. your experinces are not normal for the…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Finance for US Property in the forum We are selling however I do 11 years, 1 month ago

    We are selling however I do not buy the house is falling down… too many properties have been bought with cash and or ultra low interest rates  IE 2.75 to 4%…Millions of homes have been refied or purchased with these rates, and millions of homes have been bought with cash.  In my mind the crash was created by over leverage and sub prime rates.…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic selling property in USA in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 1 month ago

    6%  is standard commish not many realtors will negotiate lower unless they were getting multiple listings

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Finance for US Property in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 2 months ago

    your probably talking about JP   him and I have been on panels together solid guy…. he sells his paper to an insurance company so its private paper with certain underlying guide lines.  he also has a 30 year product FYI…I highly endorse JP.  In my ever it to be humble opinion you will see rise in the hot markets… AZ  FLA  CA  OR WA NV ( las…[Read more]

  • thanks Ziv                As I state I do not know these folks,, however I have had a lot of experince in Detroit and it was all PRE  Truewholesale houses.. My company was one of the largest hardmoney lenders in the MId US for many years. I was funding 2 to 3 million a month…When I was left holding the bag in detroit I lost significant…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Finance for US Property in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 2 months ago

    Engelo   sound like private money lender… as they are targeting areas state and federal lenders are not allow to target areas.. Its called Red lining  another words they wont lend in the hood…. Clinton came out with this legislation in the mid 90 called CRA  this is what forced lenders to lend in areas heretofore they would not lend in because…[Read more]

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