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  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Usa property contacts in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago

    trent74 wrote:
    understand that refinancing your AUS home is risky to purchase US property. But it may actually help you pay off your AUS home sooner Borrow @ 7% in AUS Purchase a property net returning 15% in Atlanta? You could be closer to the Aussie and American dream by doing this? only issue is worrying about not having the place…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Usa property contacts in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago

    by land on lineHad a look at your web site. Looks like your buying tax sale properties for cash given the randomness of the locations and parcel's your offering then owner financing them.From what I have seen on this Forum most if not all the investors are really looking for cash flow producing properties and ones that are cheapthere is a company…[Read more]

  • lawsjsI grew up in San Francisco Bay area, and there was a very famous columnist for the SF Chronicle named Herb Caen, he wrote an editorial type collum on daily life in SF he called it Bagdad by the Bay before we bombed the crap out of Bagdad… And at the end of his life and collum he would constantly compare SF of the 50 and 60's to the current…[Read more]

  • Very comprehensive data.I think the important thing here is that the PM is only as good as the owner  and the owner is only as good as the PM.You can have the greatest PM in the world but if the owner is not repsonsive whats a PM to do. The PM is not going to personally pay for repairs. If they do they only do it  few times before they get burnt a…[Read more]

  • 20% net yields for a passive turn key investor off shore really are just not realistic.

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic So you want to buy a US property? in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago

    J.Simpson wrote:
    Let’s look at the due diligence you should do as a novice or experienced investor, this will lead into what steps you need to take to ensure you are getting the best bang for your buck also.You can also assess current investments with these tips also just to ensure peace of mind within your current portfolio.Acquisition1. Is t…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic So you want to buy a US property? in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago

    Zillow values are all over the board, It picks up the Bank sales of props that need total rehab. and then you could have a house on the same street that 30k or so was spent on it rehabbing it and the value looks inflated. So use the internet value sites with a grain of salt is my stance.Good feedback from all, I think the bottom line is that there…[Read more]

  • engelo10 wrote:
    Top comments from Alex and jayhinrichs.What caught my eye was the vacancy rates both of you mentioned. So you guys think when crunching the numbers to only take half of the annual rent as serious income. So that means you would only get a 10% yield. I have 10% yielders here in Aus falling out of tree's hahahaha. Out of 10 pr…[Read more]

  • dj_ajay wrote:
    What are the tax implications with land? I am looking at some land in Florida and GA.

    Just property tax's that are usually pretty low for bare land. No other tax implications from a US point of view.Look for land in the path of progress

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic USA Property Management…The Real Truth Part 5 in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago

    As anyone who follows my post I appreciate honesty and really can't abide those who do not tell the whole storey

  • Got your message will call you,Land is the big money play in the US.. Thats were the fortunes are made and are going to be made and Frankly were I have made my biggest hits over the years. . I will send you over a link to a property we have in Oregon that is a rain maker and  the kind of deals we look at.D Scott is looking to pull in the lending…[Read more]

  • Nice report Alex,Being a native californian I can speak to stockton and Bakersfield….Stockton is a very tough town huge crime problem. When the vietnam boat people were coming to the states 30 years ago they landed in the central valley of the US. so you have big gang problems. in those areas. And the melt down of values was epic with huge…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Detroit Properties generating 20% return? in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago

    These are properties that I foreclosed on. most are pretty decent homes as I never loaned in the deep hood in the first place.these are loans I made in 06 and 07 at the peak of the market and am selling at a loss like any other lender.I do not buy them right now and resell them.  I am not a home flipper. we buy for long term hold. and I am not se…[Read more]

  • mjcantrell wrote:
    Hi Trent,I have a couple properties that I have financed through private lenders.  The rate was 8.25% on a 3 year arm with a 30 year amortization.  My goal is to pay them off within the 3 years using the rents received, if that doesn't work they will allow me up to 5 years if the loan remains in good standing.  I had to put 50%…[Read more]

  • trent74 wrote:
    I was wondering if any Aussies have got hard money finance and successfully purchased a home with this? Has it all been going well so far? I have heard that hard money lenders are predators and actually want your home when you cant keep up with the payments?

    Being a hard money lender in my day I would not say we are predators,…[Read more]

  • trent74 wrote:
    I wouldnt bother looking at website top 10 lists! I would work out what kind of investor you are (capital gains or cashflow or both) Then look at the cities that offer what your looking for then study hard the economics of the city and narrow your focus further then go visit the city to get a feel for each district or area also -…[Read more]

  • trent74 wrote:
    Jay are you saying that every year section 8 goes through the property and nit picks at minor issues and will costs you on average of $1000 to repair otherwise they wont approve the house to be section 8 standard?

    Yes, Section 8 houses are subject to annual inspection the tenant has to reqaulify as well as the property, The…[Read more]

  • its really what area of the country do you like. and again having the team on the ground that will support you.the money is made and lost in property mangement and fair rehab of the property.If your talking low end rentals anyting under 100k you have to be buyer beward. get into 150 to 500k props and things change tenants are better by a factor of…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Detroit Properties generating 20% return? in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago

    Nathan,I think the issue is when you make these blanket statements the Aussies want to beleive it in the worse way, The Aussie just do not realize unless they have seen it first hand what the sociodemographics of these areas are like they think of home and letting a unit to some nice Aussie and things are great all except their return which is…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Detroit Properties generating 20% return? in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago

    Nothing propriatory about how we do our deals.what I have done is marry the lending business with the ownership of the asset. Then created a team that are ALL equity owners. from myself to the rehabbers to the Property managers, We do not front end load except to pay basic overhead then we defer our profit until the assets are sold down the line.…[Read more]

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