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  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Did anyone used this Agent : 888 US Real Estate in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    Seems to me a lot of these companies are selling real estate without the proper US licenses and a complaint to the Department of Real Estate in the State where your looking at property might be appropriate.JLH

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic buying property in america in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    I was looking back in the early days on this site and another, and was really facinated by the experince's those had investing in Rochester NY and Buffallo NY…Seems that what we have been talking about:1.. One paying far more than one should for a rental2. Horrible tenants3. returns that are phantom at bestHas all been covered and been there…[Read more]

  •  I always thought that of Doctors that are pilots… You know the one's that contantly land wheels up :) And or get their ticket have 80 hours and buy a 200 knot complex machine because of the doctor complex,, its huge here in the states.I really like were we are going with this.This accountant in Perth is a fee based accountant this doctor group i…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic buying property in america in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    Micheal you get to the states lets have a beer.. Your obvioulsy very astute. and I appreciate your feedback and allowing me the license to incorporate Pear shaped investment into my lexicon going forward :)Their are REITS that just buy Notes performing and Non performing as well…whole different level of investing than what is talked about on this…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic buying property in america in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    Micheal 88your question of liablity:thats a great one and one of the compelling reasons for note investing.The note investor as the bank has ZERO liability to the property or the tenant. Although if you foreclose and take the property back then at that point again your just in the same shoes as one who bought the property although your not liable…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic buying property in america in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    Your correct the investor is the bank. and as Such its the ultimate control other wise you would not have a banking industry anywhere in the world.In the event of default you have an assignment of rents clause were the rents come straight to the bank.. and again in a default situation you end up wiping out our equity and you get to the same place…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic buying property in america in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    Micheal 88We are not pooling funds. Its one Note or Mortgage on one property to one investor. These transactions do not need to be registered as a Security offering.Just like any retail lender, lending to a home owner.. The lender then sells the Loan in the secondary market to fannie or freddie.One note one investor. Now if you then take the notes…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Where do I start? in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    Alex Smith can take a hike as far as i am concerned,he was O for third downs… Just make 30 to 40 % and it s a whole different ball game.and bunch of them were 3rd and 6  at the Giants 40… Only to have smith throw it into the ground or take a sack…then knock us out of feel goal range… very frustrating game. D played well enough to win.

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Advanced investors in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    That slick lawyer we meet .. the young man that looked 2 years out of law school… I could eat him up an spit him out on the transaction side,,, I am sure he has next to zero real world experince.Most lawyers are just terrible at negotiating a RE deal.. Not in their DNALets talk on our con call Friday and work through this one, we would like to…[Read more]

  • here come the Aussies…..We have opened the hole in the dike and its goig to be everything we can do to keep up with demand.I love working through the Accounting firm. they really have their clients best interest at heart , and have determine that an inestment in teh states that involves day to day management of a third party vendor manager is…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic 10 Cities Poised for Greatness in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    these reports change with the wind and really mean nothing."although they talk of San Jose My birth place in 1956…. San Joe and the SF peninula saw very little price compression.And I am not sure what houses sell for in OZ I would venture to guess mid pennisula,,,,, cupertino to Palo Alto, Los Altos Menlo park, are as high if not higher than…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic buying property in america in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    Michael 888 wrote:
    Hi Jay,do you have a website or other link to this investment you allude to above?Also is that circa 9 % return a net figure of all fees and expenses?What is the liquidity of this managed investment? Is capital locked up for a certain period till the exit strategy is exercised?Would be keen to hear a little more about the…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic buying property in america in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    Paullie wrote:
    JLH, Id like to speak to you about your program.Email?

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic buying property in america in the forum Ken can you e mail me with 12 years, 9 months ago

    Ken can you e mail me with the name of this institution…. As a mortgage banker I would like to see if they will provide wharehouse lines that I can use in other markets under the same underwriting criteria.thank

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic buying property in america in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    About time a US bank realized the value of the off shore investor putting 50% down… vis a vi credit risk..Just tough for US banks to think of making any kind of non recourse loan that they have to portfolio.I assume this is a local commercial bank not a national lender?I have been working on my local commercial bank for the same product.. And I…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic buying property in america in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    Alex,,, Friday is great for me… talk to you then,,,,, Penfolds Shiraz and See's 2 lbs box on the way to you and your staff….Really was an apithany last week,,,,, finally got someone in AU who really understood the risk and rewards and understood our program.Not really the audiance here on this forum,  these are all doctors that really do not…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic buying property in america in the forum Alex SC wrote:

    karl -watson 12 years, 9 months ago

    Alex SC wrote:

    karl -watson wrote:
    hey guys, wondering if there was any contacts in perth that would know contacts in americia for investing

    Contact me via email one of our clients is from that area…Alex

    Carl,We just closed a few transactions with a Perth Accountant that represents a group of Doctors. This…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic buying property in america in the forum SydneyBiz 12 years, 9 months ago

    SydneyBiz wrote:

    brent.spooner wrote:
    is there anywhere that will lend finance at low interest rates with a 50% deposit ???? ive herd of vendor finance over there is this common??

    Coupla things (including some big news): I've only seen 1 vendor finance deal recently: a guy had 16x 2 and 3 BR condos that he was selling and would finance 50% at…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Advanced investors in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    Slight type only 3.2 billion :))))Of course one could buy all of Detroit and throw in most of Ohio for those dollars :)  forget the exchange rate

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Where do I start? in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    crap,  we coulda shoulda won that game….we need Andrew Luck… with a first rate QB and our Defense we win it all

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