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  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic USA – Where to buy? in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 6 months ago

    30% net yeilds at least for then first few months then it’s 30% loss,s

    In reality you can buy nicer property well out of Detroit proper,,however inner city low end is in my mind only for professionals that livenand work the properties absentee landlords will have their hands full..

    Also could be that I had two nice brick homes that I put 25 k…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic USA – Where to buy? in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 6 months ago

    Alex,,, Cheeves is licensed in FLA…. And I am licensed in Oregon California Mississippi and soon in Nevada… CA since 1976, Oregon 1999, MS 2008,,,, NV coming… Plus I am a licensed Mortgage Banker with a NMLS number. which is a federal licensing number…. Kevin in your office when he gets going will have to get his NMLS license as…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic USA – Where to buy? in the forum Vsellecks
    Your take on the
    12 years, 6 months ago


    Your take on the market is very accurate

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic USA – Where to buy? in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 6 months ago

    vselleck: This is what I have been communicating to the group here for 3 months… Things they be a CHANGING. The company your talking about is KEY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT in Atlanta and yes they cut all you resellers off…. At the end of the day these US companies needed you guys because you were the only cash in the world. and…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Hello from a new forum member in the forum kylermrice wrote:
    Enter a
    12 years, 6 months ago

    kylermrice wrote:
    Enter a young Kyler on his way to 1000 doors who will relieve them of their worries for pennies in the dollar:):)I'm probably one of the youngest investors on here (that is doing well, no comment on the 23 year old with the horror stories in AZ) and I'll gladly keep taking the pennies on the dollar deals.

    that story was as bad…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic US invest in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 6 months ago

    what happened to the no selling on this site mantra……At the end of the day  for me personally, other than my group of Aussie doctors that are investing in our Model ( or scheme as you call it) I see our contribution here on the site as value add… The Aussie marketing company spruikers hopefully have been abated… I have been contacted by…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Hello from a new forum member in the forum pc9geek 12 years, 6 months ago

    pc9geek wrote:

    worldinvestor wrote:
    Hi Stevelooking forward to hearing more, keep us all posted on your experience, and by the way Atlanta (GA…………., you mentioned cashflowWI

    I have been taking a good look at the figures (stats) and conversations here about Atlanta. The 2011 census has the vacancy rate at 12.4% a little better than…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Worth a read in the forum I mean seriously,
    How do
    12 years, 6 months ago

    I mean seriously,How do these people come on to a Austrialian Real Estate talk site, and set up accounts so they can send PM's for the Nigerian scams…???60 minutes a US show some may have heard about… did a show, where Scott Pelley, responded flew to londan met with the Nigerian scammer its was Hilarous….. When they confronted him he bolted…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Worth a read in the forum Alex,
    sounds like a good
    12 years, 6 months ago

    Alex, sounds like a good plan,  keep me updated on your efforts.  I will be in Atlanta this week if your itching to fly someplace come on over.What about court house steps bidding,,, whats the scene there in Charlotte, I got to think Rock Hill could be good.Again which one is a mortgage state and which one is Deed of Trust???JLH

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Worth a read in the forum Alex SC wrote:

    jayhinrichs 12 years, 6 months ago

    Alex SC wrote:

    jayhinrichs wrote:
    Alex, As we all know there are war zones in each city in the US. In Portland we have ours,, Its called Felony flats… and then there is a section in NE portland.. However can't buy a house for much less than 200k in any of these so called bad areas of Portland… There are sub 100k houses but those are really…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Worth a read in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 6 months ago

    Freckle wrote:

    kylermrice wrote:
    Everybody makes it sound rough, it's really not that hard when u have good people and system in place.

    I was watching a doco the other day about deserts. One part was about this 12 yr old kid in Mali herding cattle some 80km to water. He was racing against a herd of elephants to get there first. He slept on…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Worth a read in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 6 months ago


    any one getting private messages on this site from the Nigerian and Phillipina spammers… Looking for your information in exchange for transferrring millions of dollars into your bank accounts??

    I am waiting for 7.5 million to be transferred into my account anytime now… All I have to do is give them all my personal information


  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Worth a read in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 6 months ago


    As we all know there are war zones in each city in the US.

    In Portland we have ours,, Its called Felony flats… and then there is a section in NE portland.. However can’t buy a house for much less than 200k in any of these so called bad areas of Portland… There are sub 100k houses but those are really tear downs… Lots start at 50k and…[Read more]

  • kylermrice wrote:
    I'm interested in the truffles and the sea perch. 

    Eugene,  OR  has a truffle fair every year. I went once you can get everything truffle at that event.

  • ZivOnce your out of the major cities in the US.. and probably like most places, food becomes very regionalized.Portland is a great food town, many top chefs will leave San Francisco or LA to come to Portland B/C they can start their own Resturant, where in those towns the start up is near impossible.Rural Oregon dining choices are still just…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic im being foreclosed what a mess in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 6 months ago


    Just do not borrow any money in the US… Its hard to get any ways

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Skype / Conference Call for All for USA Real Estate Info in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 6 months ago

    5pm PST   is  I think 9am sydney time,,   and 8pm on the east EST.I put it in my cray computer "I phone" and thats what I deduced

  • WIbought 3 this month,, all sold to my US investors for our TWH model IE they bought the debt instrument and are the bank now on our deals with equity . And I have 4 short sales I am working probably get 2 of those…I think I posted on here that I bid on 15 non performing notes.  None of those houses I would keep. I am going to flip them all to…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic im being foreclosed what a mess in the forum Looks like the US government 12 years, 6 months ago

    Looks like the US government has heard Mikes frustrations and has come up with answers.

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Foreclosures – will we actually see another drop in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 6 months ago

    LawsjsThe derivative that we see today is CASH.So much is happening with cash sales… As I have stated All the foriegn investment that is made with cash, and or at least 30 to 50% down…  All our US citizens paying cash with their IRA's.Big players paying cash,,, cash cash cash… The market is going to correct and be far stronger,Now if we all…[Read more]

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