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  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Case Study – Atlanta GA in the forum Although I am judging by pic 12 years, 3 months ago

    Although I am judging by pic alone

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Case Study – Atlanta GA in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 3 months ago

    Looks like nice one to me

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Crime Statistics Reference Material in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 3 months ago

    Alex,,, you are a lethal weapon

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Crime Statistics Reference Material in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 3 months ago

    TZFor certain the average OZ investor has no clue how dangerous our Ghettos are…And not sure how it is in OZ  IE are hand guns legal or not… But you just never know when some gang banger is packing a 9mm and is going to pop a cap into you…which usually leads to death.The number one cause of death to the African american age 15 to 25   IS MU…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Best way to purchase a US House with finance in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 3 months ago

    streamlineWhat your realtor is referring to is a blanket line of credit…This is only going to come from a locallly owned commercial bank you will never get one from a big national bankCredit rating is not the issue… its non foriegn citizen… I have sold properties to foriegn citizens that moved here and got their loans for owner occuppied no…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Who can I trust? in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 3 months ago

    Joel,,,what do you mean something goes wrong with the property in one year….All the proformas from the marketing companies show little to no maintenance reserves and or vacancies are you saying something could go wrong?

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Long Term Investments in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 3 months ago

    MihoviNot to split hairs  and since I am 95% bald I have no hair to split… or at least I can spare…Atlanta Metro is 3 times the size of Detroit… and Charlotte is probably close to the same.its really comes down to price…… and demography…The exception to this is small mid western towns.. And even some small Western and Eastern…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Long Term Investments in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 3 months ago

    Alex  Nigel,,,this goes to a philisophical point…. And Freckle would like this….Alex is 100% on about US investors shying away from certain markets detroit being one… And again its inner detroit but inner detroit is a huge area…So where do you think Detroit would be right now if foriegn investors especially the GB companies that set up…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Long Term Investments in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 3 months ago


    Leon,,, Downtown detroit has actually improved since your day,, GM built a big office building and I think it Harrahs built a big casino.

    And the police are there in force one on horse back on every corner.. So the downtown core your relativly safe in.

    go a few miles and you do not want to be alone at night regardless of…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Who can I trust? in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 3 months ago

    Alex now your talking Aussie language rentals by the week …  I think in OZ they do it by the week because they pick up 4 weeks of income that we lose here in the states renting properties by the month… Its brilliant really the weekly rate…Weely rent in the US is synonomis with a boarding house type environment or a motel that has been t…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic interesting article on US in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 3 months ago

    If your trusting your investment to a 3rd party property manager then and your marketing company has no responsiblity to the properties long term running costs.then a physical inspection is warranted… Its really just rolling the dice on  these low end properties.. You could get lucky you could have a nightmare.

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic USA – Where to buy? in the forum Alex my thoughts are the 12 years, 3 months ago

    Alex my thoughts are the same as they always have been//The majority not all but the majority of the marketing companies selling off shore investments in SFR's are only in the business for one thing and that is to maximize thier profits period.They do not take the clients interest first… If they did they would never market 3/4's of these ghetto…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic South East Florida in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 3 months ago

    SE Florida is pretty hot from what I understand,Its a melting pot… US investors… SA investors Germans GB  Canadians…When i was there in 09 there was 11 Years   thats right 11 years of standing condo inventory… I think a big dent has been made in that.JLH

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Best way to purchase a US House with finance in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 3 months ago

    Ah but i have a new one here in Portland that is even Better :)160k cash up front no personal exposure 250k return net in 18 months…4 miles from Intels new 10 billion dollar 6 thousand new worker fab plant and RD.the little town I bought the lots in already has 10% of the town works for Intel..My daughter works for Intel one of the top companies…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Best way to purchase a US House with finance in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 3 months ago

    Nigel,,, commercial deals are apples and oranges to the SFR which si the soup de jour… Anyone in the world if the have the down stroke can get commercial loans in the US..but we are not talking 100k properties or 50k properties, we are talking 500k to 10 mil and above.I just close a big one with a Russion investor 8 million and he put 25%…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Best way to purchase a US House with finance in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 3 months ago

    I echo WI 's postI doubt in Florida your going to be able to get any financing for non owner occuppied or a home that is not a second home..I see a lot of talk from off shore investors thinking they will get short term owner financing then refi out when the banking gets better here.WELL heres a news flash for you its very very unlikly that any Non…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Who can I trust? in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 3 months ago

    Ilovehouses wrote:
    Might put him out of action for a couple years though.

    llovehouses.. Other than the internet,,, the rip off report, and other things on line there is nothing your going to do in your situation that will prevent him from moving to the next victim unfortunatly.JLH

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Who can I trust? in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 3 months ago

    llovehouses.Short Answer is NO… not on a private mortgage.  If a lender is going to report to the credit agencies, they first have to:1. sign up and get approved.2. it cost money these agencies charge for this. And knowing how frugal lenders are on Ozzies are (think property mangement) no way they are going to pay to report. Just pulling your…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic USA – Where to buy? in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 3 months ago

    Kyler for sure,,A few of our oz friends have sent me potential deals in Memphis and sure enough they were in Fraiser… which is the ghetto and the spruikers were probably making 20k plus per house,, the buyer will be lucky to get 3 to 5 months of rent in any one year end up doing evictions 2 times a year and rehabs at every tenant turn over……[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic new thread for Vegas market and foreclosure issues in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 3 months ago

    Ziv  EmmaI think the major cultural difference's in the demograpghy of the tenant base is what makes the japanese investment something folks would want to look at… From what I have read other than the major cities these little cities really offer no up side so they are more like buying and annuity policy.Now lets take 2 natural disasters and…[Read more]

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