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  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic US Invest in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 1 month ago

    So Cheeves do you agree with me..

    that bringing Buyers and Sellers together and earning a fee is what Licensed REAL ESTATE Agents do?

    To our OZ friends do you need a license to SELL real estate you do not own in OZ.. I have to think there is a big REal Estate industry there with how Real Estate crazed the average OZ citizen is. so why would it…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic US Invest in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 1 month ago

    Cheeves your a RE broker in NJ.

    Do you think the NJ Department of Real Estate would allow a bunch of college kids to be talking to clients about buying real estate, without said college students being Licensed agents.

    I know were I am a licensed RE broker CA OR WA MS.. this is clearly a violation and I would bet dollars to donuts it is in every…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic US Invest in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 1 month ago

    Not to be negative but a boiler room full of college students who have little to no practical r e al estate experience just sound like a high pressure sales organization. And the only way you can cover that overhead is with healthy margins and volume

    What are your 5 markets?   This is really the crux or acid test  of your company.. 

    Also since…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic DD – where does it end? in the forum Karina, 12 years, 1 month ago


    I certainly do not believe my advice is the end all be all.. however if I can help one person like Gavin not get hooked up with a guy like Jeremy Burgess in Detroit then I have done a service to the community I believe.

    If anyone would ask this Burgess character for any of this info he would run for the hills

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Back from Jacksonville Florida, bought a house in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 1 month ago

    " Gross Rent Multipliers"

    This is an appraisal term.

    YOu can appraise a home in 3 basic ways.

    1. comps  ( what are neighboring houses selling for)

    2. replacement cost ( what would it take to replace it)

    3. Gross rent Multipliers ( value based on gross rent that is common in the area)

    So right now were values are all over the board. the US…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic DD – where does it end? in the forum Ziv to be specific from a US 12 years, 1 month ago

    Ziv to be specific from a US point of view

    Having made over 2,000 hard money loans in my day,, so basically underwriting borrowers is what we do, along with underwriting the properties we are loaning on. here is my quick list. And I believe this is germane to buying from someone who is touting to provide a turnkey experience whether you visit the…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic heading to the States! in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 1 month ago


    how is your wholesale market there in KC… you getting the intense competition,, say an Atlanta market.

    wholesale prices have risen 20 to 50% across the board in Atlanta in the last 4 months.

    I knew it could not stay that low for much longer… Of course you can still buy Ghetto Atlanta for cheap and the older houses.


  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic First Timer, 1st Post in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 1 month ago

    seminars,, are big business, its the education business, just like going to the book store and buying hot to books.

    With very rare exceptions ( at least here in the states) those running seminars do not and have never really owned the properties they talk about,, they may flip them, but do not own them long term…Just in it for the flip fee's…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Back from Jacksonville Florida, bought a house in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 1 month ago

    Any vintage home that I buy the first thing I do is put a new sewer line in to the street. I doubt you will be able to replace the entire sewer line for 500.00 1.500 to 2,000 is more the going rate. Most these lines were made with Terra Cotta piping just like the Romans :) and roots get into the bell housing.

    better to get that done than to have…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic US property investing firms in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 2 months ago

    Good timing on Phoenix,

    the US market is rebounding nicely.. just want to make sure we don't bubble..

    As prices rise rents will not rise with them… So returns will be squished.

    Kind of like WI is experiencing in Atlanta… Good news is US investor will gladly buy these properties at a 5 to 8 % return.

    And hopefully that will trickle down to…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Vacant Property Security – Tired of Break In’s ? in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 2 months ago

    Insurance will work once,,, And if your house is vacant more than 2 months insurance will not cover anything even fire ( read the small print)…

    If you take the train from DC to New York you pass through parts of Philly,

    You will see large buildings that have been blocked in.. by that I mean cinder blocks cemented into the windows and doors…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic USA – Where to look/What it will rent for/How to buy in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 2 months ago


    I think the point Emma is trying to make is this.

    1. Many of the wholesalers and OZ resellers DO NOT HAVE AN OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY THEY ARE PITCHING.. And by definition one needs a real estate license in the US if they are making fee's bringing buyers and sellers together.. Its the wild west with these OZ resellers. And…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic USA – Where to look/What it will rent for/How to buy in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 2 months ago

    Emma     and     Cheeves

    Good points.

    from my point of view there is ethical then there is those out to make as much as they can make and if the investor has a bad day they could care less and are just down the road.. I suppose that is the definition of the term "Spruieker"

    My main pet peaves have and will always be the same.

    1. Super low end…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic Buyer Beware – 78 Bisbee Ave 30315 (Atlanta) in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 2 months ago

    Just like any big US city Atlanta has its share of Ghetto's. 

    this same story can be repeated hundreds of times from Detroit to Memphis to Rochester, Cleveland, St Luis, Chicago,
    Indy etc etc.

    The fact remains there are many companies out there and operators in the US and OZ that are just plain bad people, and they are what I call financial…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic DD – where does it end? in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 2 months ago


    I would file a Bar complaint against this so called lawyer, if  what your saying is true that is totally unethical behavior on the Lawyers part and a huge conflict of interest.

    I know many many lawyers over the years, And have never heard of such behavior.

    Reputable US lawyers as a matter of course would never enter in business arrangements…[Read more]

  • Interesting post:

    Caveat I have not read Steve's offering in detail so if I was reading between the lines. Looks like Steve is raising money for a US private non traded REIT that will then begin or has been buying commercial properties in the US.

    Steve is thinking the commercial investments are where the SFR's were 3 years ago. And Freckle is…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic What do people think of Steve’s the US Passive Income Fund? in the forum Opinionated! 12 years, 2 months ago

    Interesting post:

    Caveat I have not read Steve's offering in detail so if I was reading between the lines. Looks like Steve is raising money for a US private non traded REIT that will then begin or has been buying commercial properties in the US.

    Steve is thinking the commercial investments are where the SFR's were 3 years ago. And Freckle is…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic USA Property Update in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 2 months ago

    WI.  Maybe love houses meant experienced  investors that actually own our own portfolios not jus a marketing company. That just flips houses and are down the road.

     for me personally, the arket is far to dynamic and with the us investor coming back in droves and with well funded 401k

    The idea that inventory will wait for investors to sc
    chedule …[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic USA Property Update in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 2 months ago


    The 50% is what these guys paid for the house all in and the balance is in fact  just vendor  carry back financing. That's why it's only avaliable for properties they owm

    This is very popular program in markets like.  Memphis, and KC as well detroit

    When we can no longer buy we then sell ang
    d take our profits

    Ps.  This site does not work…[Read more]

  • jayhinrichs replied to the topic USA Property Update in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 2 months ago

    Well I think this is where I chim in and say " told you so"  4 to 5 months ago…:)

    I think all good advice and opinions in this thread… I will say though that some of my most profitable years in Foreclosure buying were the mid 2000's in a very hot sellers market.

    There are still deals just NO low hanging fruit which is what a typical OZ…[Read more]

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